Concord Beta Credits Indicate Potential PvE Mode

irewalk Studios’ early access beta for Concord is ongoing, with the developer announcing a one-day extension. It will also have an open beta from July 18th to 21st, adding another map and the new Area Control mode. However, it seems the PvP shooter could have other unannounced content for launch, possibly PvE.

Those who checked the credits for the beta discovered mentions of PvE, with several staff members credited (see below). While there may be a dedicated mode, there could be a Practice Mode where players learn the game mechanics in a PvE setting. Firewalk hasn’t confirmed the same, so stay tuned for more details.

Concord launches on August 23rd for PS5 and PC. Post-launch updates will include new characters, maps and modes for free alongside weekly cinematic vignettes expanding on the universe. Though not available in the beta currently, the Galactic Guide also offers entries on different planets for lorehounds.

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"Concord Beta Credits Indicate Potential PvE Mode" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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yeah, would be great to have PvE mode with this game fr


The bet hopefully will add the pve mode for it