82% of American players made an in-game purchase last year

82% of American video game players made an in-game purchase last year.

That’s according to Comscore’s 2024 State of Gaming Report, published by GI.biz, which was made in partnership with in-game advertising platform Anzu.

According to the report, 62% of adults over the age of 18 played a video game, with millennials comprising 49%, followed by Gen Z at 13%.

Of the people surveyed, 77% play on more than one platform, and over a third regularly use a combination of console, PC, and mobile.

It’s claimed that video game enthusiasts in the US spent 45 billion hours on gaming sites and apps last year, with esports becoming increasingly popular.

86% of Gen Z and 80% of millennials surveyed said they watched esports, while 53% of Gen Z and 61% of millennials said they engaged with esports content.

“Our 2024 State of Gaming Report highlights the cultural significance of gaming and the vital role of gamer behaviour for brands looking to tap into this dynamic and engaged audience,” said Comscore’s chief commercial officer Steve Bagdasarian.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: https://www.videogameschronicle.com/news/82-of-american-players-made-an-in-game-purchase-last-year-survey-suggests/


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of course it's going to be a high percentage ffs


That's crazy I'm one of those players lol


Yeah hey what can we say !? We love our cosmetics and games and stuff lol