Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Will Include In-Game Purchases

According to its ESRB rating, the upcoming Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will include in-game purchases, something that wasn't present in the 2006 original. Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is an enhanced version of the original Dead Rising game. While not quite a full-blown remake, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is making some significant changes to the original Dead Rising experience.

Capcom recently provided a deep dive into the upcoming game, confirming Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster features improved graphics compared to the original version. The game will also feature auto-saves and various other quality of life improvements so that it better matches today's standards. Overall, though, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster looks to be providing an experience that's not far off from the 2006 game, which has made hardcore fans of the franchise excited.

Another change Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will be making compared to the original game is its inclusion of in-game purchases. This was confirmed by the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster ESRB rating, which has given the game an M for Mature rating for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Language, and Use of Alcohol, with a separate note that the title includes in-game purchases. Now, what exactly the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster in-game purchases will consist of remains to be seen. Capcom includes microtransactions in many of its games, and they range from cosmetics to things that can actually give players a gameplay advantage, so who knows what Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will do with its in-game purchases.

One distinct possibility is that Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will sell premium cosmetics. As it stands, no such cosmetics have actually been revealed, but fans do know of three exclusive skins they can get if they pre-order the game. Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster pre-order bonuses include a Frank West skin that makes the game's main character look like he did back in 2006, as well as a skin that lets players dress up as the Willamette Parkview Mall Bee mascot. The third skin lets players take on the guise of Chuck Greene, the protagonist of Dead Rising 2. These skins will only be available to those who pre-order, but it wouldn't be surprising if they were eventually sold individually.

Ultimately, fans will have to wait for Capcom to share its plans for Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster in-game purchases for itself, and there really is no telling when that may happen. Capcom added pay-to-win microtransactions to the Resident Evil 4 remake post-launch, after all, and so it's possible Dead Rising fans won't know until some time after the game comes out on September 19.

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hope the in-game purchase are great ones


Hope this will be good it's been a bit since the last one


Of COURSE it will include In-Game purchases lol


I forgot there redoing the dead rising