Wii U owners 'can move data between USB drives' with new update

Nintendo has provided new details of its first major update to the Wii U operating system, scheduled for roll-out in late April.

Central to the update will be new options to "switch data between two USB drives", according to company president Satoru Iwata.
The long-awaited Wii U spring system update will also reduce loading times, quite significantly in certain respects. A recent video from Nintendo demonstrated that the update could, for example, reduce the loading time between game and operating system by more than half.

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Source: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/401609/wii-u-owners-can-move-data-between-usb-drives-with-new-update/


"Wii U owners 'can move data between USB drives' with new update" :: Login/Create an Account :: 62 comments

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At least they are fixing all they can. :) They shouldn't had messed up this bad in the first place though...


Hmm, this is actually pretty good.


Wow, something you've been able to do on current-gen consoles for a year...So much for next-gen Nintendo...


This is a really cool. But this should've been added pre-release...


what would be the point of moving data between USB drives?


Gossip Nintendo was the 90's now its just bad

Yeah they just need to stop, and leave with what money they still have.

Or come up with something that will sell.


This is good, for instance, say your wiiu decides to not read games anymore and if you still have a warranty you'll receive a new one and still have all the data.


Gossip Nintendo was the 90's now its just bad

Yeah they just need to stop, and leave with what money they still have.


Nintendo was the 90's now its just bad


UPPERECHELON1 I think that with the way the wii u is doing so poorly, eventually Nintendo will drop out from making hardware and become like sega, a thrid party developer for Microsoft and Sony,

Yeah, i mean, you can already transfer data with the xbox, they just want people to use it more.