Apple begins 50 billion App Store downloads countdown

Apple's iTunes App Store is nearing the 50 billion app downloads milestone, and Apple has launched a countdown page to celebrate.

"As of today, nearly 50 billion apps have been downloaded worldwide. And we couldn't have done it without you. So we want to say thanks," says Apple, which is offering a $10,000 App Store Gift Card to the person who downloads the 50 billionth app.
Those who download the first 50 apps after that milestone will also get a prize - a $500 App Store Gift Card.

The App Store for iOS devices launched in July 2008, and offers over 800,000 apps (according to Apple as of March 2013). The App Store currently serves apps to iOS powered devices including iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad and iPad Mini.

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Im going to try to win :)


Azare $500 prize? That'd be lovely.

There is actually a $10,000 in store credit prize as well.


Danimals That's really cool but what are the chances of you getting it.

The chance of winning any prize in the competition is about 1 in 4,901,960. So good luck.


$500 prize? That'd be lovely.


That's really cool but what are the chances of you getting it.


I bet you the person who wins this isn't even trying and he is just downloading angry birds and wins $10,000 but it is cool how they are adding the 50 after that so it's so much of a chance and besides $500 is still a lot of money.


Whoa thats a lot of downloads!


Wow 10,000 bucks? looks like the person won't need to pirate music anymore xD


Time to download apps and delete them and redownload it lol


Whoever downloads the 50,000,000,000th app is extremely lucky.