Lulzsec hacker group given jail time following Sony, Nintendo attacks

Four members of hacking group Lulzsec have been handed jail sentences following high-profile cyber attacks on several companies, including Nintendo, Sony and EA>

Ryan Cleary was given 32 months in jail, Jake Davis is to serve two years and Ryan Ackroyd was jailed for 30 months. Mustafa al-Bassam received a 20-month suspended sentence, reports BBC.
Ackroyd last month entered his guilty plea at a hearing in London in April 2013, for carrying out cyber-attacks that disrupted the websites of companies including Sony and Nintendo.

In 2012 Cleary and Davis both pleaded guilty to multiple counts of conspiracy related to website attacks on Sony, Nintendo the NHS and a raft of other institutions.

Teenager Mustafa Al-Bassam also previously pleaded guilty to disrupting websites at the Central Intelligence Agency and the UK's Serious Organised Crime Agency.

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I hope that will teach them a lesson. :P


That's crazy...Jail time for hacking...