PlayStation 4 E3 teaser video boxes it all up

Sony's official E3 teaser video shows a blurry, black box. Is this the future of gaming, also known as Cube?

Sony's E3 conference takes place in Los Angeles on June 10 at 6 p.m. PT. Perhaps we'll get a clearer idea of what the PS4 looks like at that time, along with a price and release date. Right now we have "Holiday 2013," a timeframe that Sony settled on when it announced the PS4 in February.

Microsoft is prepping to reveal its own next-gen console – the new Xbox – tomorrow, May 21, at 10 a.m. PT. We'll have live coverage of that event.

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"PlayStation 4 E3 teaser video boxes it all up" :: Login/Create an Account :: 55 comments

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Heatwave It's hardly a teaser, you can't really see much.

I know. We will just have to wait to find out more.


How much will this be, im exicted?


It's hardly a teaser, you can't really see much.


The second to the last picture kinda looks like a mini projector, i can say that, that be would pretty awesome to mess with!!


Change up the color scheme geeeeezz.. What a disappointment but i can say i was expecting one.


This looks quite sleek but an awful lot like the current PS3, we will have to see how they make it look even better.


That video was pretty much pointless.


EstablishedGaming That has to be the worst advertisement i have ever seen, Yes... i understand this is a teaser but at least don't blur our complete view. This camera effect has made the video pointless...

hurr hurr hurr that's the point, so you can't see it hur hur



Okay, a black box then.. can't barely see anything more than that.


Wavelength You can barely make out what it's supposed to look like.

Ya I really wouldnt call this a teaser and if you do its a crappy one.