PS Stars Wallet Funds Reward Partially Returns Amid Backlash

Following intense backlash, the PS Stars Wallet funds reward has returned for a number of players… partially, at least. Earlier this morning, the $5/£5 (or equivalent) denomination returned for a large number of players across the globe. For some, this is the only option that has returned while others now have two or more denominations available to redeem.

PS Stars Wallet funds reappear for members regardless of level and PS Plus status
Several players reported that their Wallet funds reward returned after renewing their PS Plus subscription or purchasing a PS Plus Premium membership. We’d like to clarify that neither players’ PS Plus membership status nor their PS Stars level has any bearing on the PS Store credit option.

I am a PS Stars Level 4 member with a PS Plus Essential subscription, and never lost access to the £10 Wallet funds reward. As of this morning, the £5 option has reappeared on my end. Others have confirmed that despite not being active PS Plus members, the same reward has become available to them.

Sony remained mum about the issue throughout the last month, leaving players to contact PS Support, where agents gave them conflicting — and quite frankly, absurd — answers. At the moment, it’s unclear if the Wallet funds reward will make a full return or not.

In related news, as of this morning, it appears that Sony has also fixed the busted PS Store video game rewards. Players can now redeem their points against games that they weren’t able to unlock up until yesterday.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum



"PS Stars Wallet Funds Reward Partially Returns Amid Backlash" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2 comments

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yeah, like article states it's just the $5/£5 wallet ffs

they need to bring back the $20/£20, I always used it (like most players)


Partial returns is not returned ..