Xbox One not backwards compatible with 360 discs/XBLA purchases

The new Xbox One will not be backwards compatible. They have also announced that old purchases from the Xbox 360 will not transfer over because of the new processor they have put in. Microsoft have said that they care about the purchases, and will still be updating new apps and features on the old Xbox 360. Microsoft said that some things will transfer over such as the gamer score that you earned in previous years on the 360.

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"Xbox One not backwards compatible with 360 discs/XBLA purchases" :: Login/Create an Account :: 73 comments

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This is a complete money hunger scheme...


ITG Yeah, I'm keeping my xbox 360 forever... no need to waste my money on this P.O.S

What are you going to do when no new games come out for it?


ITG Yeah, I'm keeping my xbox 360 forever... no need to waste my money on this P.O.S

Yeah, no one cares. You won't be missed.

That name really fit's you.


I didn't think it would be. Money hungry *******. :P It is going to be great still, but that part just sucks. I don't think I will be getting anymore games for my 360, no need to...


The 360 actually sounds fine right now. I think they're just looking to make more money by making us pay for new shit.


I seriously hope certain things will transfer over, like DLC, gamerpics, etc.


Spotless I wonder if DLC will transfer from other games? And will games rerelase on the console? (Like Black Ops 1 coming out on the Xbox One.)

That would be stupid.

But I better beable to make a new account on there with a gamertag that is on the 360 but banned for life.


Spotless I wonder if DLC will transfer from other games? And will games rerelase on the console? (Like Black Ops 1 coming out on the Xbox One.)

That would be stupid.


I wonder if DLC will transfer from other games? And will games rerelase on the console? (Like Black Ops 1 coming out on the Xbox One.)


Glad to know that all the work I put in for my gamer score will follow me onto the new console.