PS4 and Xbox One 'a generation ahead' of high end PCs - EA CTO
Writing on LinkedIn, EA chief technology officer Rajat Teneja noted that the horsepower of current high-end PCs will be dwarved by Sony and Microsoft's next-gen consoles.
"Both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have adopted electronics and an integrated systems-on-a-chip (soc) architecture that unleashes magnitudes more compute and graphics power than the current generation of consoles," Teneja wrote.
On the comparison between current and next-gen consoles, Teneja believes the new consoles will perform 8-10 times better than the PS3 and Xbox 360.
"These architectures are a generation ahead of the highest end PC on the market and their unique design of the hardware, the underlying operating system and the live service layer create one of the most compelling platforms to reimagine game mechanics."
Similarly, Avalanche Studios CTO Linus Blomberg said in March that the PlayStation 4's 8gb RAM will ensure it will "out-power most PCs for years to come."
Xbox One was this week unveiled at an event in Washington. Read all about it at our Xbox One information hub.
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I know that this will never be true, the best processors are always first on PC's before they every make it to anything else plus, every month their is a better and better chips for the PC that you can make it faster and better but with Xbox and Playstation the specs stay the same for about 6-8 years.
How about we just stop fighting like children. The PC elitists and the console people should just stop this war. Who honestly cares this much about video games that you feel the need to defend your platform of choice so vigorously, it's like you people want blood once someone says they like to game on something you don't, and instantly jump to start a flame war.
Beet-Fallout This was meant for beet.
I believe it is time for you to recive and edumaction. first off mods, NEWS BREAKER HERE! consoles have mods to yes pc has better ones but if you belive mods are what make games good sir you are sadly mistaken. next frame rate, yes its lower on xbox this prevents lots of frame rate dropps unlike what i tend to see on pcs. next free online. free online means you are not paying. paying for xbox is paying for security i see more security problems on computers than i do on consoles so you cant win there either. hmmm ultra ghrapics setting big woop prepare for fps drop, but you know who needs ultra when you have hdmi, ive seen ultra not that big of a diffrence. Design? there a rectangle just like consoles. Teamspeak? do i even have to start. Game chat and party chat and voip. more games? most games for pcs are on consoles, those that arnt are usually 3rd party but consoles make up for that with their own games that pc users cant get unless u mod. better games? i beg to differ its the same gameplay just not ultra ghrapics and amount of players, its the gameplay, engineering, and story telling that makes games fun. cheaper games!!!??!??! really. nah im kidding their not cheaper. battlefield 4 pc: 60$ consoles: 60$ Call of duty 4: PC 19$ consoles 9.99$ Fallout 3: pc: 9% consoles: 6$, i have hundreds more btw im basing this off of where you can really get pc games and console games since they usually dont sell the games in same places. ok next things next. it is harder to find physical copies of pc games in stores especially if there 3+ months old so goood try. Steam summer and winter sale ooooooo! XBOX WEEKLY SALE B*TCH! and ps3 also have lots of sales, so good try little boy. More realistic games depends how you consider that. You can get keyboards for consoles dumbA**. mouse why need a mouse on a console you have a controller and u can by a chat pad. 2560 x 1600. honestly so what its resolution. more customibility of hardware. ok lets get this straight. you can do that on xbox but its not legal same with ps3. but who cares its for playing games not dressing it up like a barbie doll. ssd and hdd honestly look more people still use hdd even with computers i even prefer an hdd computer. Steam, We have xbox live and xbox live marketplace so good try. steam workshop, like i said earlier its the game that is suppose to be fun not the stuff you add to it. but other than that i dont use steam workshop. Cool leds and leds on fans you can do that with an xbox and ps3 learn how to. theres mmos on consoles just no body likes them. i played some, but computer does have more but usually you have to pay for those. More realistic games. its the gameplay, storytelling, and engineering that make a game fun. do you really want realistic games that defeat the purpose of games like mortal kombat, call of duty, halo, brink, fallout, star wars, minecraft, castle crashers, i can go on forever, etc... Some times its better to be tied to one service. then you only have to rember one set of account info. badazz ghrapics card? how much do those cost, probably more than a console, where playing a game here not trying to waste money on a little peice of technology that we could do with out a high tech fancy one. Water cooling, please call me if your water cooling system messes up and water gets all in your computer, ill repair it on the house. Better community, i see more f*gs on pc than i do consoles and little kids who think they can ddos you. trust me computers communitys are more hacking and modding that competitive gaming. Thetechgame has more areas for console relative talk and discussion than pc good try. like i said earlier you can use a keyboard on consoles, especially for browsing. dont have crappy game ports: like minecraft and battlefield. last time i checked those were doing pretty good. you must of never played them. "and many more my friend" yes i also have many more my friend. Now u said that consoles battlefield runs on low to medium on computer. its funny if i play a game on computer on medium it looks nothing like 720p on consoles. Ive seen battlefield on high and ive seend it on hdmi they look basically the same. so basically i just gave you a lesson both have pros and cons but consoles have the best pro of all time. PRICING! so todays lesson was brought to you by fallout. when you need to be proven wrong call fallout
Ok first of all I just want to start out my response to this by stating you are the console gamer that thinks he knows his **** but does not. I was laughing at everything you were saying in that message.
Yes Xbox does have mods, you do that with jtag, ISO, USB, etc. But yes Mods are a gameplay changer. Have you ever heard of DayZ? That mod for Arma II has become even more popular than the actual game. It is now becoming its own standalone because it is modded to practically be a different game. What about all of the Half Life mods (Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Portal, Black Mesa, Even Garry's Mod). Red Orchestra had Darkest Hour which put it on the eastern front and just made it better all around with new assets. There was Skyrim mods that practically changed the entire game. DOTA was a mod for Warcraft 3. Have you ever tried Darthmod on any of the Total War games? They do a lot of gameplay improvements. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind has Overhaul mod which makes the 10 year old game look near next gen in graphical quality. World of Warcraft has private realms which are heavily modded for a different experience. I can go on and on about how much mods really are but that would take up this entire news page.
With my current PC I do not see many frame rate drops unless I am zoomed into hand to hand combat on Shogun 2: Total War on Ultra settings. Also the Xbox does have framerate drops. Many refer to this as just lag but most console gamers get lag and an actual framerate drop mixed up. Lag is when you have a crappy host on CoD. A framerate drop is when you are playing Battlefield 3 and all of a sudden there is a few explosions in front of you and it drops (seen this happen SO much on the 360). Also for some PCs that cannot pump out at least 30fps on Ultra settings for Farcry 3 there is a solution...Lower the settings to Medium/High. All games on consoles have the settings all ready set for you because all of the consoles are the same. This is why you cannot increase your settings and experience a framerate of 4fps on Ultra settings.
Free Online SHOULD be standard. The only reason why you are paying is because Microsoft is a bunch of money hores. I have never had my steam account hacked nor do I currently know someone that has had theirs hacked. But on the other hand I have been hacked on Xbox and I know many people who have been hacked on Xbox and had their credit card information lost to someone. Another BS thing Microsoft does is they don't just charge you that LIVE membership but they also have little stupid ads on there Dashboard. Steam Currently has no ads for stupid crap. The only ads on steam are for other games on steam. When microsoft was confronted about the LIVE subscription fee they would give no clear answer why. And now they raised the price for no reason. Your just paying them because they are greedy, not for extra security.
The difference in Ultra settings varies from game to game. Some games you will not see that big of a difference but many games it looks gorgeous with ultra settings compared to their High Settings. An example would be the later games in the Total War series. Also some graphics cards can handle ultra settings on one game and not on the next game. The only game mine struggles with is Crysis 3. Other than that I rarely see a framerate drop.
Your response to design makes it so you did not truly understand what I was trying to say. I myself am currently working on a project in Unity 3D...I am designing a game. This does not just mean game design but this also extends to multimedia design. Also lets see you write a program using languages like C++, C#, Java, Python, etc. on a console. (Programming)
When I say cheaper games I mean most games don't come out at the $60 price tag. Only really AAA titles come out at that. A really nice game will come out at less than $30 (That is at AAA quality). Also games tend to stay at a high price for some time on console while on PC it will decrease drastically in price as the game gets older. (This varies by game) Also the Call of Duty 4 and Fallout 3 you listed there a used versions...:facepalm:
Teamspeak and Ventrilo are great in my opinion. Much more reliable than the crappy Xbox Live Party system and even Skype. The only hassle is opening your own server which once you get it down it really isn't a hassle to begin with. Xbox Live people constantly "Lag Out" of the party. Some good TS servers can hold dozens of people while Skype allows 10 and Party chat only allows 8.
Why do I need a physical copy of a video game that is a piece of software??? The only time I buy a physical copy of a PC game is when I am buying a collectors edition.
Woohoo :lookround: I bet you are so pumped to see all 4-15 games go for %10-%50 off on your Xbox weekly deals. Well twice a year every single video game on steam and DLC goes atleast 50% off. It from there has hourly deals where you get to choose what goes on the hourly deal next where it will go 60%-90% off. Sometimes they do the hourly deal to an entire franchise. Also they will have special publisher deals. This means you can get every game a publisher made for 75+% off in an exclusive combo pack. I bet you would like to get every Bethesda game on Steam with all their DLC for just $60.:blush2:
Lets also not forget that steam has daily deals and even free to play weekends for certain games.
Yes PC has some crazy unrealistic games. But my point lies with we have a larger variety of realistic games out there. We have ARMA which is not just a wargame but a war simulator. We have chivalry which gives you the most realistic medieval hand to hand combat to date. We have DayZ the most realistic zombie survival game if you can call it that. We have this for two reasons, keyboard and mouse which I will go into further detail in a minute and a more hardcore community. Many casual console gamers are not going to want the level of realism in a game like ARMA.
Yes you can use a keyboard on a console but you are limited to what you can do with it greatly. With a keyboard and mouse you can type faster, use more buttons, and have a higher sensitivity. People that use controllers on even Call of Duty for the PC are putting themselves at a disadvantage. If you try using a controller on Counter Strike on the PC you will get anal raped by some dude with a mouse and keyboard. RTS games just don't work good at all with a controller.
When I am talking about the 1600p I am just pointing out how the Xbox will continue to fall behind even as TVs and monitors advance without them. And while I am here I might as well point out something I forgot to mention last time. Multiple monitors. Sure this does cost a little more and can lower framerate on the way you do it but I just wanted to point out how consoles still are not able to do this today.
Customability on Xbox??? Let me see you getting your long needed update of RAM and GPU then talk to me about cusomability.
I am pointing out how the console do not jump in on SSD technology. I use my HDD most of the time as I have a TB on my HDD and 120GB on my SSD. I just installed my OS on the SSD and a few programs. This is still new technology and is more expensive and will not be used as much.
I believe I have given you enough info why steam is better than Xbox Live. If I need to go on please reply.
I just mentioned steam workshop because that was an example of everyone placing ways to keep an old game interesting, fix problems or add more excitement to a game.
I got a $350 graphics card because I could afford it, I wanted the max experience and I wanted to design my games to their ultimate capability. There are budget graphics cards that get most games at maxed settings.
Water cooling is good effective and reliable. I've never had any problem with it leaking or known anyone that has.
In PC gaming you will come across overly aggressive hardcore gamers that can be complete douche bags. But in PC you will find these dedicated communities that you will only find on PC. Ex. ARMA tactical realism clans, Hardcore roleplaying guilds on WOW, Line Battle Regiments on Mount and Blade, etc. You are not really seeing many steam users with xSN1P3ZxSC0P3Zx as their name. Squeakers and thugs are much harder to come by.
What I meant with thetechgame was that we can access it in the middle of our game. Also the sections like the PC building section are very active.
Also with the crappy ports of BF3 and Minecraft I own them both. I also own their PC versions. Xbox Minecraft is behind on updates, has a smaller map, is restricted to 8 people, and lacks mods. BF3 was restricted by graphical performance, FPS and body count.
LOL you are saying that HDMI makes console BF3 just as good as PC version??? I'm tweeting this! It is already preset in the settings that it is around Low Medium settings. I know this because I use DVI for my PC which is the same as HDMI but with no audio. You do not realize how stupid you sounded right there.
And the last thing of all price...My cousin built his first gaming PC for $550. He perfected in saving money and he called his build the bootshoot because it was a money saver.
Now I am sorry but the PC master race will always be superior to the console gamers.
Well the whole point of this reply is I want to be proven wrong so I called you just like you said. :trollin:
i love how much effort you both put into these posts A+
-Fallout This was meant for beet.
I believe it is time for you to recive and edumaction. first off mods, NEWS BREAKER HERE! consoles have mods to yes pc has better ones but if you belive mods are what make games good sir you are sadly mistaken. next frame rate, yes its lower on xbox this prevents lots of frame rate dropps unlike what i tend to see on pcs. next free online. free online means you are not paying. paying for xbox is paying for security i see more security problems on computers than i do on consoles so you cant win there either. hmmm ultra ghrapics setting big woop prepare for fps drop, but you know who needs ultra when you have hdmi, ive seen ultra not that big of a diffrence. Design? there a rectangle just like consoles. Teamspeak? do i even have to start. Game chat and party chat and voip. more games? most games for pcs are on consoles, those that arnt are usually 3rd party but consoles make up for that with their own games that pc users cant get unless u mod. better games? i beg to differ its the same gameplay just not ultra ghrapics and amount of players, its the gameplay, engineering, and story telling that makes games fun. cheaper games!!!??!??! really. nah im kidding their not cheaper. battlefield 4 pc: 60$ consoles: 60$ Call of duty 4: PC 19$ consoles 9.99$ Fallout 3: pc: 9% consoles: 6$, i have hundreds more btw im basing this off of where you can really get pc games and console games since they usually dont sell the games in same places. ok next things next. it is harder to find physical copies of pc games in stores especially if there 3+ months old so goood try. Steam summer and winter sale ooooooo! XBOX WEEKLY SALE B*TCH! and ps3 also have lots of sales, so good try little boy. More realistic games depends how you consider that. You can get keyboards for consoles dumbA**. mouse why need a mouse on a console you have a controller and u can by a chat pad. 2560 x 1600. honestly so what its resolution. more customibility of hardware. ok lets get this straight. you can do that on xbox but its not legal same with ps3. but who cares its for playing games not dressing it up like a barbie doll. ssd and hdd honestly look more people still use hdd even with computers i even prefer an hdd computer. Steam, We have xbox live and xbox live marketplace so good try. steam workshop, like i said earlier its the game that is suppose to be fun not the stuff you add to it. but other than that i dont use steam workshop. Cool leds and leds on fans you can do that with an xbox and ps3 learn how to. theres mmos on consoles just no body likes them. i played some, but computer does have more but usually you have to pay for those. More realistic games. its the gameplay, storytelling, and engineering that make a game fun. do you really want realistic games that defeat the purpose of games like mortal kombat, call of duty, halo, brink, fallout, star wars, minecraft, castle crashers, i can go on forever, etc... Some times its better to be tied to one service. then you only have to rember one set of account info. badazz ghrapics card? how much do those cost, probably more than a console, where playing a game here not trying to waste money on a little peice of technology that we could do with out a high tech fancy one. Water cooling, please call me if your water cooling system messes up and water gets all in your computer, ill repair it on the house. Better community, i see more f*gs on pc than i do consoles and little kids who think they can ddos you. trust me computers communitys are more hacking and modding that competitive gaming. Thetechgame has more areas for console relative talk and discussion than pc good try. like i said earlier you can use a keyboard on consoles, especially for browsing. dont have crappy game ports: like minecraft and battlefield. last time i checked those were doing pretty good. you must of never played them. "and many more my friend" yes i also have many more my friend. Now u said that consoles battlefield runs on low to medium on computer. its funny if i play a game on computer on medium it looks nothing like 720p on consoles. Ive seen battlefield on high and ive seend it on hdmi they look basically the same. so basically i just gave you a lesson both have pros and cons but consoles have the best pro of all time. PRICING! so todays lesson was brought to you by fallout. when you need to be proven wrong call fallout
Ok first of all I just want to start out my response to this by stating you are the console gamer that thinks he knows his shit but does not. I was laughing at everything you were saying in that message.
Yes Xbox does have mods, you do that with jtag, ISO, USB, etc. But yes Mods are a gameplay changer. Have you ever heard of DayZ? That mod for Arma II has become even more popular than the actual game. It is now becoming its own standalone because it is modded to practically be a different game. What about all of the Half Life mods (Counter Strike, Team Fortress, Portal, Black Mesa, Even Garry's Mod). Red Orchestra had Darkest Hour which put it on the eastern front and just made it better all around with new assets. There was Skyrim mods that practically changed the entire game. DOTA was a mod for Warcraft 3. Have you ever tried Darthmod on any of the Total War games? They do a lot of gameplay improvements. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind has Overhaul mod which makes the 10 year old game look near next gen in graphical quality. World of Warcraft has private realms which are heavily modded for a different experience. I can go on and on about how much mods really are but that would take up this entire news page.
With my current PC I do not see many frame rate drops unless I am zoomed into hand to hand combat on Shogun 2: Total War on Ultra settings. Also the Xbox does have framerate drops. Many refer to this as just lag but most console gamers get lag and an actual framerate drop mixed up. Lag is when you have a crappy host on CoD. A framerate drop is when you are playing Battlefield 3 and all of a sudden there is a few explosions in front of you and it drops (seen this happen SO much on the 360). Also for some PCs that cannot pump out at least 30fps on Ultra settings for Farcry 3 there is a solution...Lower the settings to Medium/High. All games on consoles have the settings all ready set for you because all of the consoles are the same. This is why you cannot increase your settings and experience a framerate of 4fps on Ultra settings.
Free Online SHOULD be standard. The only reason why you are paying is because Microsoft is a bunch of money hores. I have never had my steam account hacked nor do I currently know someone that has had theirs hacked. But on the other hand I have been hacked on Xbox and I know many people who have been hacked on Xbox and had their credit card information lost to someone. Another BS thing Microsoft does is they don't just charge you that LIVE membership but they also have little stupid ads on there Dashboard. Steam Currently has no ads for stupid crap. The only ads on steam are for other games on steam. When microsoft was confronted about the LIVE subscription fee they would give no clear answer why. And now they raised the price for no reason. Your just paying them because they are greedy, not for extra security.
The difference in Ultra settings varies from game to game. Some games you will not see that big of a difference but many games it looks gorgeous with ultra settings compared to their High Settings. An example would be the later games in the Total War series. Also some graphics cards can handle ultra settings on one game and not on the next game. The only game mine struggles with is Crysis 3. Other than that I rarely see a framerate drop.
Your response to design makes it so you did not truly understand what I was trying to say. I myself am currently working on a project in Unity 3D...I am designing a game. This does not just mean game design but this also extends to multimedia design. Also lets see you write a program using languages like C++, C#, Java, Python, etc. on a console. (Programming)
When I say cheaper games I mean most games don't come out at the $60 price tag. Only really AAA titles come out at that. A really nice game will come out at less than $30 (That is at AAA quality). Also games tend to stay at a high price for some time on console while on PC it will decrease drastically in price as the game gets older. (This varies by game) Also the Call of Duty 4 and Fallout 3 you listed there a used versions...:facepalm:
Teamspeak and Ventrilo are great in my opinion. Much more reliable than the crappy Xbox Live Party system and even Skype. The only hassle is opening your own server which once you get it down it really isn't a hassle to begin with. Xbox Live people constantly "Lag Out" of the party. Some good TS servers can hold dozens of people while Skype allows 10 and Party chat only allows 8.
Why do I need a physical copy of a video game that is a piece of software??? The only time I buy a physical copy of a PC game is when I am buying a collectors edition.
Woohoo :lookround: I bet you are so pumped to see all 4-15 games go for %10-%50 off on your Xbox weekly deals. Well twice a year every single video game on steam and DLC goes atleast 50% off. It from there has hourly deals where you get to choose what goes on the hourly deal next where it will go 60%-90% off. Sometimes they do the hourly deal to an entire franchise. Also they will have special publisher deals. This means you can get every game a publisher made for 75+% off in an exclusive combo pack. I bet you would like to get every Bethesda game on Steam with all their DLC for just $60.:blush2:
Lets also not forget that steam has daily deals and even free to play weekends for certain games.
Yes PC has some crazy unrealistic games. But my point lies with we have a larger variety of realistic games out there. We have ARMA which is not just a wargame but a war simulator. We have chivalry which gives you the most realistic medieval hand to hand combat to date. We have DayZ the most realistic zombie survival game if you can call it that. We have this for two reasons, keyboard and mouse which I will go into further detail in a minute and a more hardcore community. Many casual console gamers are not going to want the level of realism in a game like ARMA.
Yes you can use a keyboard on a console but you are limited to what you can do with it greatly. With a keyboard and mouse you can type faster, use more buttons, and have a higher sensitivity. People that use controllers on even Call of Duty for the PC are putting themselves at a disadvantage. If you try using a controller on Counter Strike on the PC you will get anal raped by some dude with a mouse and keyboard. RTS games just don't work good at all with a controller.
When I am talking about the 1600p I am just pointing out how the Xbox will continue to fall behind even as TVs and monitors advance without them. And while I am here I might as well point out something I forgot to mention last time. Multiple monitors. Sure this does cost a little more and can lower framerate on the way you do it but I just wanted to point out how consoles still are not able to do this today.
Customability on Xbox??? Let me see you getting your long needed update of RAM and GPU then talk to me about cusomability.
I am pointing out how the console do not jump in on SSD technology. I use my HDD most of the time as I have a TB on my HDD and 120GB on my SSD. I just installed my OS on the SSD and a few programs. This is still new technology and is more expensive and will not be used as much.
I believe I have given you enough info why steam is better than Xbox Live. If I need to go on please reply.
I just mentioned steam workshop because that was an example of everyone placing ways to keep an old game interesting, fix problems or add more excitement to a game.
I got a $350 graphics card because I could afford it, I wanted the max experience and I wanted to design my games to their ultimate capability. There are budget graphics cards that get most games at maxed settings.
Water cooling is good effective and reliable. I've never had any problem with it leaking or known anyone that has.
In PC gaming you will come across overly aggressive hardcore gamers that can be complete douche bags. But in PC you will find these dedicated communities that you will only find on PC. Ex. ARMA tactical realism clans, Hardcore roleplaying guilds on WOW, Line Battle Regiments on Mount and Blade, etc. You are not really seeing many steam users with xSN1P3ZxSC0P3Zx as their name. Squeakers and thugs are much harder to come by.
What I meant with thetechgame was that we can access it in the middle of our game. Also the sections like the PC building section are very active.
Also with the crappy ports of BF3 and Minecraft I own them both. I also own their PC versions. Xbox Minecraft is behind on updates, has a smaller map, is restricted to 8 people, and lacks mods. BF3 was restricted by graphical performance, FPS and body count.
LOL you are saying that HDMI makes console BF3 just as good as PC version??? I'm tweeting this! It is already preset in the settings that it is around Low Medium settings. I know this because I use DVI for my PC which is the same as HDMI but with no audio. You do not realize how stupid you sounded right there.
And the last thing of all price...My cousin built his first gaming PC for $550. He perfected in saving money and he called his build the bootshoot because it was a money saver.
Now I am sorry but the PC master race will always be superior to the console gamers.
Well the whole point of this reply is I want to be proven wrong so I called you just like you said. :trollin:
ExoticWolfs Not even close... it will be better than some, but not that much.
I agree, I can see that it beats some PC's but the top end PC's are crazy fast. Some PC's have the best cards possible out there, the next-gens can't be better then the best.
famana888-Fallout This was meant for beet.
I believe it is time for you to recive and edumaction. first off mods, NEWS BREAKER HERE! consoles have mods to yes pc has better ones but if you belive mods are what make games good sir you are sadly mistaken. next frame rate, yes its lower on xbox this prevents lots of frame rate dropps unlike what i tend to see on pcs. next free online. free online means you are not paying. paying for xbox is paying for security i see more security problems on computers than i do on consoles so you cant win there either. hmmm ultra ghrapics setting big woop prepare for fps drop, but you know who needs ultra when you have hdmi, ive seen ultra not that big of a diffrence. Design? there a rectangle just like consoles. Teamspeak? do i even have to start. Game chat and party chat and voip. more games? most games for pcs are on consoles, those that arnt are usually 3rd party but consoles make up for that with their own games that pc users cant get unless u mod. better games? i beg to differ its the same gameplay just not ultra ghrapics and amount of players, its the gameplay, engineering, and story telling that makes games fun. cheaper games!!!??!??! really. nah im kidding their not cheaper. battlefield 4 pc: 60$ consoles: 60$ Call of duty 4: PC 19$ consoles 9.99$ Fallout 3: pc: 9% consoles: 6$, i have hundreds more btw im basing this off of where you can really get pc games and console games since they usually dont sell the games in same places. ok next things next. it is harder to find physical copies of pc games in stores especially if there 3+ months old so goood try. Steam summer and winter sale ooooooo! XBOX WEEKLY SALE B*TCH! and ps3 also have lots of sales, so good try little boy. More realistic games depends how you consider that. You can get keyboards for consoles dumbA**. mouse why need a mouse on a console you have a controller and u can by a chat pad. 2560 x 1600. honestly so what its resolution. more customibility of hardware. ok lets get this straight. you can do that on xbox but its not legal same with ps3. but who cares its for playing games not dressing it up like a barbie doll. ssd and hdd honestly look more people still use hdd even with computers i even prefer an hdd computer. Steam, We have xbox live and xbox live marketplace so good try. steam workshop, like i said earlier its the game that is suppose to be fun not the stuff you add to it. but other than that i dont use steam workshop. Cool leds and leds on fans you can do that with an xbox and ps3 learn how to. theres mmos on consoles just no body likes them. i played some, but computer does have more but usually you have to pay for those. More realistic games. its the gameplay, storytelling, and engineering that make a game fun. do you really want realistic games that defeat the purpose of games like mortal kombat, call of duty, halo, brink, fallout, star wars, minecraft, castle crashers, i can go on forever, etc... Some times its better to be tied to one service. then you only have to rember one set of account info. badazz ghrapics card? how much do those cost, probably more than a console, where playing a game here not trying to waste money on a little peice of technology that we could do with out a high tech fancy one. Water cooling, please call me if your water cooling system messes up and water gets all in your computer, ill repair it on the house. Better community, i see more f*gs on pc than i do consoles and little kids who think they can ddos you. trust me computers communitys are more hacking and modding that competitive gaming. Thetechgame has more areas for console relative talk and discussion than pc good try. like i said earlier you can use a keyboard on consoles, especially for browsing. dont have crappy game ports: like minecraft and battlefield. last time i checked those were doing pretty good. you must of never played them. "and many more my friend" yes i also have many more my friend. Now u said that consoles battlefield runs on low to medium on computer. its funny if i play a game on computer on medium it looks nothing like 720p on consoles. Ive seen battlefield on high and ive seend it on hdmi they look basically the same. so basically i just gave you a lesson both have pros and cons but consoles have the best pro of all time. PRICING! so todays lesson was brought to you by fallout. when you need to be proven wrong call fallout
There is much ignorance in this one...
and btw Minecraft was not ported to PC from console.
Umm earth to famana888 are you stupid or can you not read. i said minecraft is actually pretty good on xbox. **** dumbest generation ive ever seen.
-Fallout This was meant for beet.
I believe it is time for you to recive and edumaction. first off mods, NEWS BREAKER HERE! consoles have mods to yes pc has better ones but if you belive mods are what make games good sir you are sadly mistaken. next frame rate, yes its lower on xbox this prevents lots of frame rate dropps unlike what i tend to see on pcs. next free online. free online means you are not paying. paying for xbox is paying for security i see more security problems on computers than i do on consoles so you cant win there either. hmmm ultra ghrapics setting big woop prepare for fps drop, but you know who needs ultra when you have hdmi, ive seen ultra not that big of a diffrence. Design? there a rectangle just like consoles. Teamspeak? do i even have to start. Game chat and party chat and voip. more games? most games for pcs are on consoles, those that arnt are usually 3rd party but consoles make up for that with their own games that pc users cant get unless u mod. better games? i beg to differ its the same gameplay just not ultra ghrapics and amount of players, its the gameplay, engineering, and story telling that makes games fun. cheaper games!!!??!??! really. nah im kidding their not cheaper. battlefield 4 pc: 60$ consoles: 60$ Call of duty 4: PC 19$ consoles 9.99$ Fallout 3: pc: 9% consoles: 6$, i have hundreds more btw im basing this off of where you can really get pc games and console games since they usually dont sell the games in same places. ok next things next. it is harder to find physical copies of pc games in stores especially if there 3+ months old so goood try. Steam summer and winter sale ooooooo! XBOX WEEKLY SALE B*TCH! and ps3 also have lots of sales, so good try little boy. More realistic games depends how you consider that. You can get keyboards for consoles dumbA**. mouse why need a mouse on a console you have a controller and u can by a chat pad. 2560 x 1600. honestly so what its resolution. more customibility of hardware. ok lets get this straight. you can do that on xbox but its not legal same with ps3. but who cares its for playing games not dressing it up like a barbie doll. ssd and hdd honestly look more people still use hdd even with computers i even prefer an hdd computer. Steam, We have xbox live and xbox live marketplace so good try. steam workshop, like i said earlier its the game that is suppose to be fun not the stuff you add to it. but other than that i dont use steam workshop. Cool leds and leds on fans you can do that with an xbox and ps3 learn how to. theres mmos on consoles just no body likes them. i played some, but computer does have more but usually you have to pay for those. More realistic games. its the gameplay, storytelling, and engineering that make a game fun. do you really want realistic games that defeat the purpose of games like mortal kombat, call of duty, halo, brink, fallout, star wars, minecraft, castle crashers, i can go on forever, etc... Some times its better to be tied to one service. then you only have to rember one set of account info. badazz ghrapics card? how much do those cost, probably more than a console, where playing a game here not trying to waste money on a little peice of technology that we could do with out a high tech fancy one. Water cooling, please call me if your water cooling system messes up and water gets all in your computer, ill repair it on the house. Better community, i see more f*gs on pc than i do consoles and little kids who think they can ddos you. trust me computers communitys are more hacking and modding that competitive gaming. Thetechgame has more areas for console relative talk and discussion than pc good try. like i said earlier you can use a keyboard on consoles, especially for browsing. dont have crappy game ports: like minecraft and battlefield. last time i checked those were doing pretty good. you must of never played them. "and many more my friend" yes i also have many more my friend. Now u said that consoles battlefield runs on low to medium on computer. its funny if i play a game on computer on medium it looks nothing like 720p on consoles. Ive seen battlefield on high and ive seend it on hdmi they look basically the same. so basically i just gave you a lesson both have pros and cons but consoles have the best pro of all time. PRICING! so todays lesson was brought to you by fallout. when you need to be proven wrong call fallout
There is much ignorance in this one...
and btw Minecraft was not ported to PC from console.
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