Xbox One: Microsoft deal with AMD worth $3 billion

Microsoft's deal with AMD for the Xbox One is worth more than $3 billion, according to a former AMD employee.

The figure comes via Bob Feldstein, a former AMD employee now employed by Nvidia. An entry on Feldstein's LinkedIn page says the deal is worth more than $3 million.
"AMD provided a custom silicon solution to Microsoft for the XBox One, a game console and entertainment device," the entry reads.

"My involvement was focused on business management and supply agreement negotiations. This required the coordination of multiple functional teams within AMD, as well as regular customer meetings with leadership teams responsible for handling the challenges of complex, multi-year deals. This project is valued at $3+B."

AMD also services Sony and Nintendo for the PlayStation 4 and Wii U.

The next generation Xbox will host 8GB of RAM and be based on 64bit architecture, the company revealed at a live event last Tuesday.

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"Xbox One: Microsoft deal with AMD worth $3 billion" :: Login/Create an Account :: 41 comments

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AMD really struck gold with the move to the next-gens.


SweetTealsGood 3 million dollars for some ointment on an X-Box. Jeez!

$3 Billion* is a good number, they need to keep up with demand and the cost of manufacturing. Overall, higher production cost does mean a better product for the consumer at the end of the day.


dang, 3 billion is a boat load. AMD is awesome though


Im so excited! Big price for the console I think, but it's worth it.


SweetTealsGood 3 million dollars for some ointment on an X-Box. Jeez!

lol ikr that's pretty weird


I cannot wait for the next-gen E3!


Can't wait for the next e3!


3 million dollars for some ointment on an X-Box. Jeez!


Oasis Most won't like it but AMD is the future.

How did you work that out ?

It'll soon be easier/cost effective and more profitable for a switch to AMD on most platforms that can, proven by the rise of AMD products appearing more and more in your consoles,laptops,notebooks and so on. That's how I worked it out.


Oasis Most won't like it but AMD is the future.

maybe for these shitty consoles, but most PC games are basically made for NVIDIA