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Dummazz420 This is such B.S.
1st off it has only been less than a week since the announcement of preorders, and that so many sources are bouncing around which one has more sales...
Lets wait a few months before we jump to conclusions, god damn.
This one was a day before the next and it says that xbox had more sales.
Next day shows ps4 winning:
vDura If PS4 doesn't have party chat, I'm not buying it...
Wart I am going to be getting a Xbox one. Microsoft has shown support for their online service in the past by getting DLC from companies early, tons of applications, and lots of updates to the dashboard. The $100 more is worth it to me because I feel confident I am buying a good product.
The always online has no effect on me at all(how many people are really going to buy these next gen systems who don't have internet?) The shared games isn't a problem either, I always buy my games new.
A lot of people are complaining about the cost of the console, but $500 is justifiable. The Xbox 360 launched at $400 and isn't even close to as powerful as the Xbox one, and it was 8 years ago. Another way to look at it is, look how many people spend $500-$800 on iPhones, iPads, etc, and a lot of those devices are tossed out and replaced after a year or two. These systems wether it be Xbox or ps4 will probably last you 5 years at minimum,
I do consider myself a hardcore gamer and even though the ps4 is more powerful, look how much more powerful these new gen systems are over current gen. Games look great on current gen (in my opinion) so this massive power and graphics boost from both systems will be great ith either one, and there will probably be a miniscule difference between the two graphics and how the games play.
What it comes down to for me is the online experience and exclusives. I wasn't really interested in any of the exclusives from either company except that titanfall for Xbox one which looks promising. But for the online experience xbox 360 has it near perfect on 360 so if they add things it will only make it that much better. But currently on ps3 everything is really unorganized, hard to maneuver, and they are missing many features. So you have to hope they fix all of that on the ps4 and then also want them to add new features.
Also I may in the minority of people who really am interested in the new kinect as well as some of the 'entertainment' functions the Xbox one has. I am a big sports fan, and do watch lots of television/sports. I have done fantasy sports in the past and will definitely want to try out their new fantasy sports features.
DeeStainer "Just like Microsoft" Lol no Microsoft gives choppy ansewers.
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