PS3 users reporting 'bricked' systems after 4.45 firmware update

A new firmware update for the PS3 is live, but a significant number of reports indicate it's locking users out of their systems. Posters on the official PS3 Support forum noted they couldn't boot their systems after the update, and some users said restoring file systems didn't resolve the issue.

According to the PlayStation Twitter account, the 4.45 update includes trophy notification options and improves system stability - hmm.

We've reached out to Sony to clarify the situation. While the issues don't seem to be affecting all users, it might be wise to stay clear of the update for the time being.

Update: Sony Computer Entertainment sent out the following statement this morning:

"We are aware of reports that the recent PlayStation 3 system software update (version 4.45) has caused the XMB to not display on a small number of PS3 systems. We have temporarily taken 4.45 offline and are investigating the cause of the problem. We will announce when the system update is available for download as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience."

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"PS3 users reporting 'bricked' systems after 4.45 firmware update" :: Login/Create an Account :: 89 comments

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aundeadrockstar lmao, so much for sony even coming close to beating MS =p


Yes, a botched update is SO much worse than an untold amount of consoles dying due to poor build quality!

I wouldn't class myself as a PS3 fanboy but in the last 7 years I've had 5 Xbox's (all are now dead due to RROD) and yet I'm still on my first - and only - PS3. Please, do not use a little update issue as ammo, all things considered ;)

To be fair, Sony have probably been so busy getting their next-gen console right that they made a small error with this one :P

I used to work in a shop that repaired the RROD and YLOD and we saw more PS3's with YLOD than Xbox's.


aundeadrockstar lmao, so much for sony even coming close to beating MS =p

Like this hasn't happened to Xbox before. Second, a failed update is gonna save Microsoft and their bloody feet from E3.


aundeadrockstar lmao, so much for sony even coming close to beating MS =p


Yes, a botched update is SO much worse than an untold amount of consoles dying due to poor build quality!

I wouldn't class myself as a PS3 fanboy but in the last 7 years I've had 5 Xbox's (all are now dead due to RROD) and yet I'm still on my first - and only - PS3. Please, do not use a little update issue as ammo, all things considered ;)

To be fair, Sony have probably been so busy getting their next-gen console right that they made a small error with this one :P


All ways have to be fanboys ruining thing's if you don't like sony it's simply shut up.


xI-Pumfay-Ix Oh look all the Microsoft fanboys are out again saying "Oh look sony you screwed up" blah blah blah and for everyones information Im a PC gamer :).

Meh fanboys will be fanboys. I play Xbox 360 but I wouldn't consider myself a fanboy seeing as I hardly play it now and tend to rip on Microsoft now and then .-.


hmm didn't know there was an update lately..


Bricked means it wont turn on so its not exactly bricked. But do not format your harddrive. Their is suppose to be an update that saves all your data... It should be all good by tomorrow or very soon. I know anonymous is taking credit but thats a load of BS. It was just a F up by sony... and a very big one. Again, should be good tomorrow

I dont know what my ps3 is doing though because im on vacation downloading like 5 games...hopefully it got done but i doubt it


Oh look all the Microsoft fanboys are out again saying "Oh look sony you screwed up" blah blah blah and for everyones information Im a PC gamer :).


I'm enjoying some of these MS Diehards using this as a chance to attack the PS4 and sony, Xbox 360 generally won the current generation of consoles, but this has no effect on next gen, stop whining that PS4 is terrible because of a PS3 update.


lmao, so much for sony even coming close to beating MS =p