DualShock 4 Has A Deceptively Large Size, Side-By-Side Comparison

Sony has done a lot of changes to the DualShock 4, in fact a lot of people who got their hands on it have been praising it. There’s a reason for that, the controller was designed in tandem with Sony’s first party studios and the drawbacks of the DualShock 3 have been rectified here.

The controller’s size has been pretty deceptive in the press images, so how big is it exactly? Well it’s almost as big as the Xbox One controller and maybe some people will feel it’s even bigger based on this image below posted by a user on a Chinese site called Weibo (registration required).

As you can see, the controller feels really comfy to hold and is shaping up to be one of the best ones ever made. But that’s for the people to judge.

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum

Source: http://www.gamechup.com/dualshock-4-has-a-deceptively-large-size-side-by-side-comparison/


"DualShock 4 Has A Deceptively Large Size, Side-By-Side Comparison" :: Login/Create an Account :: 114 comments

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NikolaiLoverG935 When the Xbox One controller was announced, a bunch of PS fanboys said that it's stupid and too big. Now that the PS4's is shown to be bigger, people are saying it's "comfy" and is "better"?


It's funny because the XB1 controller is tinier than the 360 controller so really the PS4 controller is normal sized and the XB1 conroller is tiny.

how do you know this please provide a source, and yes people on ps4 were saying garbage about the size and shape.


mxzd it's not really THAT much larger

But it still is bigger. At least it's not some huge size difference that would be awkward to hold or anything.

i know it's still larger, it's just it's not as large as everyone is portraying it to be.


that looks so cool


NikolaiLoverG935 When the Xbox One controller was announced, a bunch of PS fanboys said that it's stupid and too big. Now that the PS4's is shown to be bigger, people are saying it's "comfy" and is "better"?


It's funny because the XB1 controller is tinier than the 360 controller so really the PS4 controller is normal sized and the XB1 conroller is tiny.


Both previous generation pads where better why change a good thing


ps4 one looks better tbh


Disorts ok you idiots the controller is not bigger the sticks are longer and wider, ps4 has a grip cover on it where as the xbox one is flat and matte. ps4 controller looks better the xboxs is the same.

And you've played with the controller so that's how you know this?


ok you idiots the controller is not bigger the sticks are longer and wider, ps4 has a grip cover on it where as the xbox one is flat and matte. ps4 controller looks better the xboxs is the same.


When the Xbox One controller was announced, a bunch of PS fanboys said that it's stupid and too big. Now that the PS4's is shown to be bigger, people are saying it's "comfy" and is "better"?



If the xbox one controller is the same size as the 360 one, then my god the PS4 is massive! :O