Xbox One exec says PS4 specs are "meaningless", games more important

Speaking to OXM at Microsoft's Xbox One reveal last month, Xbox product planning boss Albert Penello has downplayed technical comparisons between Xbox One and PS4, arguing that hardware analysis is "meaningless" when "our games and experiences are going to be every bit as good as, if not better" than those you'll find on competing consoles.

Asked whether he was cautious of comparisons with PS4 by our editor Jon Hicks, Penello pointed out that few players really buy consoles for the specs alone. "The problem is that Sony decided to go out and publish a bunch of numbers, which are in some ways meaningless," he told us. "Because this isn't like 1990, when it was 16-bit versus 32-bit.

"As a matter of fact," he continued, "they actually go out and they talk about how proud they are about their off-the-shelf parts. Our guys'll say, we touched every single component in the box and everything there is tweaked for optimum performance."

"For me, I'd rather not even have the conversation, because it's not going to matter," Penello went on. "The box is going to be awesome. The games are going to be awesome. I heard this exact same argument last generation and it's a pointless argument, because people are debating things which they don't know about. They're not [head silicon engineer] Nick Baker or [corporate vice president of IEB hardware Todd Holmdahl], and I'm not [lead PS4 architect] Mark Cerny, so why are we having this discussion?"

Penello feels consumers will pick a console for the games it offers, rather than for its capabilities on paper. "Here's what you care about," he said. "You bought a system to play great games and have great experiences. I feel like our games and experiences are going to be every bit as good, if not better, technically - on top of all the magic we're going to add with the instant switching, and the power of the cloud.

"So the whole numbers game - yeah, I've been following it online and it's like, we tried having that argument last time. Do I want to talk about HDMI 1.3 or 1.4, it's like 'argh!' It doesn't matter. Did you see Call of Duty, it looks f**king awesome! It's going to be great, you know. So we're just saying, it's not worth the debate."

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"Xbox One exec says PS4 specs are "meaningless", games more important" :: Login/Create an Account :: 89 comments

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unvers Seriously how are they meaningless? I don't understand

They're not meaningless, they mean everything. Specs are very important, they decide how good the graphics can be.

No he was asking how Microsoft could say that they're meaningless. He doesn't understand why Microsoft said that.


unvers Seriously how are they meaningless? I don't understand

They're not meaningless, they mean everything. Specs are very important, they decide how good the graphics can be.


Microsoft will tell anything to get more sales then the PS4, they're just being pathetic.


Wzd Specs are meaningless? Lol okay Microsoft.

That's what I'm saying. Didn't they purposely not target awesome graphics?


meaningless by butt, I think Xbox is just mad.


Specs are meaningless? Lol okay Microsoft.


It's not just about the game, but how the game is played!


Gossip The main reason I want an Xbox One is for the exclusives

It's kind of the same with me when it comes to the PS4. I don't really care about it having better specifications, its all about the games in my eyes.

Me too, there's alot of really good exclusives on the xbox.

Same with me,but what I am worried about is like 5 years down the line and some games will look alot better on the ps4, but I guess it won't matter because most AAA games design for the lowest specs possible.


Pane This Is True. PS3 Had Better Specs Than Xbox 360, And the Xbox Still Came Out On Top!!!

Actually Bro, PS3, has more sales than Xbox. Nuff said!

You do know that they just passed their sales in may of THIS YEAR? It took Sony 6 years to pass up sales. Nuff Said!
Sony sales is around 11 million behind the xbox 360 look it up.

Oh my god? Really? I thought Sony were ahead after all this drama about the DRM and 24/7 online capability, thats awesome if Xbox is ahead :D

*facepalm* It CLEARLY states 'XBOX 360' not the XBOX ONE. Read the post next time


Gossip The main reason I want an Xbox One is for the exclusives

It's kind of the same with me when it comes to the PS4. I don't really care about it having better specifications, its all about the games in my eyes.

Me too, there's alot of really good exclusives on the xbox.