Nintendo to announce secret “brand-new types of games” for Wii U soon

Nintendo didn’t really have much in the way of surprises at E3, and that’s because, as Satoru Iwata says, they wanted to focus on the “video game fans that are eager for information on so-called traditional games” at the show. But they have more in store for this year than just the stuff they discussed at June’s Nintendo Direct, including “new types of games.”

n a meeting with investors recently, Iwata discussed these secret games and explained why they haven’t talked about them yet. “When it comes to brand-new types of games, we have to announce them not too far in advance of the actual release dates in order to have a strong impact in the market and minimize the chance of others introducing similar or competing products. We are working on new types of games, but we would like to announce them much closer to their actual release timings for this reason.

“When it comes to Wii, as ‘Wii Sports’ spread throughout the world at a sensational speed, some misunderstood that all Wii could do is enable them to play games by moving the Wii Remote. With Wii U, therefore, we planned to satisfy existing video game fans first and provide new surprises later.”

Iwata makes it clear that some of these games he’s talking about will be released within the next year or so. But what could they be? Hmmmmmmm.

Meanwhile, in the same talk with investors, Iwata discussed the absence of the vitality sensor.

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"Nintendo to announce secret “brand-new types of games” for Wii U soon" :: Login/Create an Account :: 74 comments

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Go back to the drawing board and make a REAL console


I really don't know what they will be. I am going to say maybe some FPS and racing? But not sure, i would like to hear what they are soon. :D


I'll bet they're going to be FPS games.


Gossip As long as there not FPS's...

It doesn't matter what they release as long as it doesn't interfere with their current franchises and routines.


Jakeston A new Metroid Prime would be heavenly.

You can't just get an ending like Metroid Prime 3 and call it quits. They have to make a another Metroid Prime explaining what happens next after Metroid Prime 3.


Hopefully not secret for long :D


A new Metroid Prime would be heavenly.


Reeve i love nintendo games, other console producers games arent as fun as nintendos



i love nintendo games, other console producers games arent as fun as nintendos


Gossip As long as there not FPS's...

What are you talking about, we need a Metroid Prime game.

Metroid Prime is fine, but I think he meant FPS as in games like COD, those games don't need to be on there. I've been waiting for Metroid Prime 4 so hopefully they will surprise us eventually.