Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360

omfg no wai! Yes thats right you can get 10th prestige in 10 kills on the xbox 360 lots of people have been asking about this so here it is we had to cover the gamertags up due to IW getting mad but just put it down to "the usual suspects" hit the forums for an invite there is a sticky topic only post within that and we will invite you if we have any games running soon



"Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3374 comments

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pleasee could you invite me to one of these games. im 3rd prestige rank 31. i seen this vid from looking at iwant10thprsg's bio. i live in uk and im on quite alot thankss :D!!!


Hello can i please get an invite my gt is msoderstrom17. I would be very happy if i cud get an invite.


wanna do that pls add me i3uLLeTProoF xX

i'm online every day 6pm till 9 pm european time message me


Please send me an invite gamertag aj190


if ay1 can u do the 10th prestige hack add me or invite me gt o i MaTRiiX


If you got the time, could you invite

GT: x i LuV SoDa o


yo this glitch is bad ass, hit me up with an invite if u have any opens because getting threw 70 lvls 10 times sucks ass my gt is iTz WOWZERZ


for evryone to know my gamer tag is TART4NxR4VER

please can someone msg me


heey all if anyone can help me to get to 10th that would be great


hi i was just wondering if u could send me an invite im gonna be on tonight so it wuld be gd if u culd invite me tonight GT : wKs V MiDDL37ON