Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360

omfg no wai! Yes thats right you can get 10th prestige in 10 kills on the xbox 360 lots of people have been asking about this so here it is we had to cover the gamertags up due to IW getting mad but just put it down to "the usual suspects" hit the forums for an invite there is a sticky topic only post within that and we will invite you if we have any games running soon



"Modern Warfare 2 - 10th prestige in 10 kills - Xbox360" :: Login/Create an Account :: 3374 comments

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hi any chance of a invite please to the lobby when u make one up, before the crazy people at xbox patch this, my gamer tag is gazmak101


yea would love to become 10th prestige. Please invite me tonight. I ll be on at 11 o clock pm. I work 70 hours a week and it would take so long for me to get to the 10th prestige so please invite me to one of the games . My tag for 360 is MeanBig Gamer. thank you and i will help you out if you need help.


HaubGoblin420 send invite for 10th prestige


hay i realy want to get to the tenth prestigue so please when u set a game up plzzzz invite me-- GT rKs miny cramez


i forget to say i can get you 1600 microspft points.


gamer tag is uneXpected23. PLEASE INVITE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


man i need that because all i do is game battles!!!!

please send an invite!!!


Could i get 10 prestige? i would be very happy :)


Probably Fake!

If you want to get to 10th without a hack, message iGC DaZee, and say boost, thenill inv you.. leveled up every 1-2 games which is around 20 minutes..


i Am Hosting a 10th Prestige Modded Lobby Please Just message - iEmiiNeM x on xbox live for invite ( Do not send a friend request or you will be deleted.