Black Ops 2 gets Vengeance on PC and PS3 August 1

Black Ops 2 players on PC and PS3 will receive the latest DLC pack, Vengeance, on August 1. Vengeance adds four maps in multiplayer along with a new Zombies variant called "Buried," and it has been available on Xbox Live since July 2.

Vengeance is the third DLC pack for Black Ops 2, following Revolution and Uprising. Revolution added the requisite multiplayer maps and the ability to play as a zombie in "Turned" mode, while Uprising introduced Mob of the Dead – a Zombies map set within Alcatraz prison during the Prohibition era, starring Michael Madsen, Joe Pantoliano, Ray Liotta and Chazz Palminteri.

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"Black Ops 2 gets Vengeance on PC and PS3 August 1" :: Login/Create an Account :: 57 comments

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Origamo I can't believe how people on PC and PS3 have to wait so long.

I know right?! it sucks for them cause buried is awesome lol


I can't believe how people on PC and PS3 have to wait so long.


finally, ive been wanting to play this sooo bad


yeah well if you have it for xbox or youve seen gameplay theres no surprise thats why i like xbox


Well, I wouldn't look forward to it all that much. All it is in a nutshell is just campers galore, but hey that's black ops 2 for ya.


daw Wow that's late.

Well Activision is likely making a lot of money from partnerships with Xbox. PS3 and PC players have no choice but to deal with it i guess


-Wub I almost forgot PS3 and PC got it late.

It would be great if they got it at the same time. I guess waiting a little longer isn't too bad though


Starify Does not make sense to me why everyone else gets there stuff last. Why can't they push out the updates for all systems in one day? I'm an Xbox guy, but I've always wondered this. Might be because Xbox has a bigger market for it.

Microsoft bought out getting the DLC's early from Activision, I don't see why Sony doesn't do the same.

Because sony's ps3/ playstation network online gaming price is $0 while microsoft charges for live so they are able to afford to do this, look at this way free live or early dlc

It's not like live is extremely expensive.

when you have millions of people paying 70+ a year it all adds up. Sony is moving to pay for online just because it increases your profit margin a ton


I almost forgot PS3 and PC got it late.


I would highly recommend the map pack. I've even played a bit of multiplayer. Cove sucks, but the other 3 maps are great. Buried is what it's all about though, it is a great zombie map with lots of different strategies with various buildables in the map.