Deus Ex: The Fall jams your gun on jailbroken iOS devices

Those playing Deus Ex: The Fall, which launched for iOS for $6.99, on jailbroken iDevices have found none of their guns work – not even the tranquilizer gun.

The limitation was first outed on Reddit, with many reviews in the App store describing the game's surprise "feature." The prompt above occurs right after the movement tutorial in the game, at the outset of the shooting tutorial.

Jailbreaking refers to the act of unlocking functionality within iOS devices not originally intended for the end user. While not illegal, it does void the warranty of the device in question.

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"Deus Ex: The Fall jams your gun on jailbroken iOS devices" :: Login/Create an Account :: 63 comments

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Some devs do the same thing for Rooted Android users. They don't let them use the app at all. But if people don't like it, then maybe they shouldn't be jailbroken. Don't like it, then get rid of your iShit and get a real smartphone.


Anyone who bought this game, or any app like this can download Xcon from cydia to bypass it. Problem app devs?


This is literally stupid if devs started this.

People legally buy there games on jailbroken devices not everyone gets there stuff for free. My uncle jailbroke his just to get some new themes but he still gets all his stuff legally from the App Store. People who jailbroke there iDevices shouldn't be punished because of it.


Starify You might see a lot of games starting to do this with Deus sparking up with it.

But if it was legally bought on a jailbroken device, they should make it still work.


booster97 Lol this is funny. Serves those who don't want to support the developers right.

But some people actually bought the game on a jailbroken device and encountered the error...


I bet this is the first of many games and apps that are going to begin doing this.

If I was a dev of an app I would hate to know that people are getting access illegally to the app that I spent countless hours on making.


Lol this is funny. Serves those who don't want to support the developers right.


I find this rather funny. I didn't know they cold do this though, bravo. :D Don't jailbreak your iDevice if you want to play this game, nuff said.


daw That's ridiculous. Just because a phone is jail broken doesn't mean it pirated the game.

I know they rally should not have done this.


That's ridiculous. Just because a phone is jail broken doesn't mean it pirated the game.