10th prestige mod working once again plus others


Did you think it was over? well we are happy to say we have found away around the patch we are able to do 10th boosting in 10 kills once again and we are also able to do all past mods again in ranked it is a very simple bypass and we wont we letting it before you ask hit the forums for an invite



"10th prestige mod working once again plus others" :: Login/Create an Account :: 2578 comments

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inv x iitz barry x in if any pretige mod is happing are score modding plz :D and fanks


gt: Ethan Poppin

im online now, invite please :) ?


my gamer tag is Giants2180 please invite me to 1 of these games... i only want to go to 8th though still want some left so i dont get bored...


GT is euphonic213. I'll be on at 5:30 p.m. Eastern U.S. time.


please invite me to a tenth prestige mod lobby my gt is x ProbIem and i am online right now and will be for the whole day.


send me invt GT------- zI FuSiiOnzZ Iz

oh and good work getting it working again. :)


GT: CaMeL Qu33F

I would love it if you invited me :)) you would be the nicest ppl everrrrrrr !!!!! (considering ive gotten spammed more than once already!)


id appricate it if you invited me.

my GT : venganceng5

i would be so greatfull



Very nice. Hit me up, (GT: r4z0rt4l0n = razortalon wit' numbers.)

I'll buy ya 1600 ms points to get to 10th prestige, if ya'd like. :)



i donated $20. can i please get help to tenth prestige???