Xbox avatars going HD; 360 and One games to have separate Achievements

Microsoft has revealed a number of new details about Xbox One, including a significant upgrade to avatars.

Chief Xbox One platform architect Marc Whitten told IGN that the company is upgrading Xbox Live avatars to allow for full-body HD gamerpics. In fact, the old 64x64 gamerpics are being ditched altogether in favour of a full-HD alternative.

“They are beautiful,” Whitten reckons. “You are going to see some really cool hero moments, like when you login to see personalized views of your games and other content.”

The exec also confirmed that Xbox One’s DVR functionality, which will constantly capture gameplay footage, records footage at 720p and 30 frames per second. This footage can then be edited and uploaded directly from the console.

There’s more too – Whitten has revealed that games released on both Xbox 360 and Xbox One will have separate Achievements on each platform. So for instance, an owner of both consoles will be able to buy Call of Duty: Ghosts on each and earn two sets of Achievements.

“But on the Xbox One version, you’re getting a much richer set of features, such as seeing your achievements progress on the Xbox One console, being able to unlock new achievements throughout the year, and earning real prizes inside and outside of the game,” he added.

“Xbox One also enables a new concept of challenges, where games will be offering special time-based opportunities to earn various goals and collect the rewards.”

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"Xbox avatars going HD; 360 and One games to have separate Achievements" :: Login/Create an Account :: 115 comments

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Full body avatars... Interesting.


Smeargle I think everyone was quick to judge with the Xbox One, it's starting to look better and better as time goes on.

Price is the only problem.

They listened to there fans about the DRM and now people want it back? It's pretty stupid really.


Love the avatars on xbox makes it a little bit more interesting.


I think everyone was quick to judge with the Xbox One, it's starting to look better and better as time goes on.

Price is the only problem.


MPAA Ooh, so now we get to have HD barbie dolls, hmm MS where are your priorities? certainly not where I've hoped.

Yeah, I think I'm going to have to agree with you here. You would think they would be working on more important stuff, not silly gimmicks.


Ooh, so now we get to have HD barbie dolls, hmm MS where are your priorities? certainly not where I've hoped.


The hd avatars sounds cool. But the two sets of achievments sounds like a gimick to getnyou to buy a copy for both consoles.


This is gonna be pretty nice.


Going HD this should be interesting.


This seems pretty cool I guess