Xbox One 12GB RAM upgrade debunked by Microsoft

Xbox One isn’t getting a RAM upgrade form 8GB to 12GB, Microsoft’s product planning manager Albert Penello has confirmed.

The rumours started after Penello took to NeoGAF to discuss the Xbox One’s specs last month. He wrote, “I would like to pose this question to the audience. There are several months until the consoles launch, and [as] any student of the industry will remember, specs change.

“Given the rumored specs for both systems, can anyone conceive of a circumstance or decision one platform holder could make, where despite the theoretical performance benchmarks of the components, the box that appears “weaker” could actually be more powerful?

“I believe the debate on this could give some light to why we don’t want to engage in a specification debate until both boxes are final and shipping.”

The rumours started to fly, but Penello has now debunked the whole lot on Twitter.

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"Xbox One 12GB RAM upgrade debunked by Microsoft" :: Login/Create an Account :: 97 comments

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8 GB is plenty anyway. I can 90% of games on max settings with only 8 GB of ram. Its really not a big of a deal.
Adding 4 just seems like it would make the console more expensive and wouldnt really offer much.


Obsidian the ram used in the xbox one is DDR3, so you may be able to upgrade it your self.

I highly doubt it, it is Microsoft they wouldn't allow you to do that so the developers know the exact system specs they are working on and they can optimize there game for it


-Retro 8 is perfect for gaming 12 is just overkill

No, it would be ready for the future! PCs commonly have 16GB of RAM available (Well gaming ones do!) It helps massively and can take stress off of the CPU and GPU, to an extent of course!

I have a very expensive gaming pc, and i don't see the need to have more than 8gb ram. I play skrim on ultra high perfect. I play many games and my ram usage has never come close to 8gb.


Doesnt matter Ill still buy it.


Oh well. At least we are getting an improvement from last gen.


the ram used in the xbox one is DDR3, so you may be able to upgrade it your self.


Considering the 360 had something like 512mb ram, 8gb should be amazing.


I'm excited to see some of the new games, i'm not particularly stoked on anything as of yet. Though Titanfall and GTA will be good.


8gb is right, 8gb should be plenty for the new console.


YES!!!!!!!!! even better!