Sony: PS4 losses will be nothing like those of the PS3

Sony will not generate as large of a loss with PlayStation 4 as it did when it launched PlayStation 3, according to SCE CEO Andrew House.

Speaking in an investors meeting last week, and reported by Bloomberg, House told investors the pricing of PS4 will not cause as large of a loss as PS3 did at launch – the latter of which caused a $3 billion loss.

“We will not generate anything like the losses we did for the PlayStation 3,” House said, as investment in the system is “much, much smaller,” this time out, what with its PC-like architecture.

Still, Sony expects to report a loss in its game division next financial period due to currency exchange rate shifts.

Such looses will be offset in part by sales of PS4, but the firm no longer expects to break-even for the year, but expects earnings to “deteriorate significantly.”

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"Sony: PS4 losses will be nothing like those of the PS3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 110 comments

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var Why do they need investors? -_-

To make money. Is that even a question?


I would hope not. They were way over priced with the PS3.


Zyphr Sony played it a lot better this year.

They sure did!


Why do they need investors? -_-


This cant afford this


Sony played it a lot better this year.


Sony cant afford to lose that much money. Theyll make there money for sure but it wont be that last quarter of 2013. It'll make them money through out the next 10 years like the ps2 did...bigger and better though.


They should build a gaming museum and put GibbityTree in to showcase the fanboys each company have.

Seriously dude, you're absolutely ridiculous, you've thrown insults around at anyone who had criticised you, this is the world, not your house where you get to make the rules. Everyone is going to have an opinion on something, and just because it doesn't suit your liking, doesn't mean you have to be obnoxious towards them.

I'd really reccomend you get off the Internet for a while and learn a little about respect and decency.


$3 Billion lost? Shouldnt that suggest something.


Nov Wasn't the PS3 like $600 when it came out first? How stupid.

No... The picture in the thread is the price when it came out...
Are you stupid? That's the PS4...