PS4′s pre-orders outstrip those of PS2 and PS3

Sony has confirmed that PlayStation 4 pre-orders are way ahead of its predecessors. Speaking to VideoGamer, Sony Computer Entertainment UK chief Fergal Gara has said that PS4 pre-orders are “way over and above and beyond the pre-order number at launch day” of PS2 and PS3.

It was revealed at Sony’s Gamescom events last night that the current PS4 pre-order total has surpassed one million units. It’s expected to sell out at launch.

“We’re not disclosing the exact number [of PS4 units] that we’ll have on day one,” Gara said. “Clearly we’re working hard to satisfy a lot of countries. We mentioned 32 countries last night.

“The one comment I’ll make about the pre-order number is first of all, it’s greater than a million, and secondly, the UK represents a very healthy slug of that. We’re undeniably seeing a sea change.”

He added the high level demand is a problem in terms of availability, but that it’s a positive problem for Sony to have at this point.

The PlayStation 4 launches in North America on November 15 and in Europe November 29.

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"PS4′s pre-orders outstrip those of PS2 and PS3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 50 comments

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Dr-Ponyfile More and more people are becoming gamers, the consoles are able to have TV services now so not just gamers are buying the consoles. It does not surprise me that the pre orders are higher.

Yeah, what Dr Ponyfile said. There's so much you can do with a PS4 that people from all sorts of spheres of influence will buy it. Don't you guys remember that a lot of people got PS3s mainly to watch Blu Ray DVDs? The same thing applies here.

True, so true. A lot of people bought the PS3 just for the Blu Ray's, others will buy for Next Gen features also.


As I said before, a million consoles, PHEW. That is a hell of a lot of consoles.


Dr-Ponyfile More and more people are becoming gamers, the consoles are able to have TV services now so not just gamers are buying the consoles. It does not surprise me that the pre orders are higher.

Yeah, what Dr Ponyfile said. There's so much you can do with a PS4 that people from all sorts of spheres of influence will buy it. Don't you guys remember that a lot of people got PS3s mainly to watch Blu Ray DVDs? The same thing applies here.


Gossip Obviously this systems better.

Didn't know you got the PS4 early, nice bro.


I want to know of the Xbox One's pre-orders... Anyone? :)


More and more people are becoming gamers, the consoles are able to have TV services now so not just gamers are buying the consoles. It does not surprise me that the pre orders are higher.


Out of all the problems to have that is a good one for a company to have. I mean this is something that was expect every year the number of pre-orders should always go up.


Of course.

The number of gamers are increasing


Aggie Like I said with the Xbox One. Gaming has changed and the gotten better.

It really has, you can do so much more with consoles now prepared to back then. I'm glad to see the PS4 outselling the others when it comes to pre-orders

I think you meant "compared" instead of "prepared".


I like Xbox more but I don't care what sells more, I'm happy there are so many gamers !