Call of Duty Ghosts: quick-scoping may be gone completely, says Rubin

Call of Duty: Ghosts may not included quick-scoping, according to Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin. That’s either a huge relief or reason for concern, depending on which side of the one-shot fence you sit.

Speaking on Twitter at the weekend, Rubin penned a statement on the matter to fans:

Update/Clarification regarding Sniper Rifles:

One of the areas that is getting lot of love in Call of Duty: Ghosts is the Sniper Rifle. By creating the Marksman class we were able to focus the Sniper class on really powerful high-caliber weapon systems. We feel, and many of the pro players who have played would agree, that sniping has never been better.

The changes we’ve made, like dual render scopes and increased damage really make snipers a great competitive class to use. We’ve also done a lot with map design (sight lines and cover) to ensure that all classes are viably effective. Both short range and long range classes will be effective on the same maps.

However in re-envisioning sniper rifles some aspects, such as sway timing, have changed the way sniper rifles function and so traditional “quick-scoping” has been affected. Is it gone completely? Maybe. It certainly won’t be viable in the way it previously was. Can’t wait for you snipers out there to get your hands on these new sniper rifles and try them out for yourselves.

See you in game!

Personally, sniper rifles are powerful because they demand skill at long range. That’s where the balancing kicks in. Using a sniper rifle to the same effect at point blank range is a balance-breaker in my book, but then again everyone’s different so there’s no right or wrong answers here.

That said, what do you feel about the possibility of quick-scoping disappearing? Let us know below.

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"Call of Duty Ghosts: quick-scoping may be gone completely, says Rubin" :: Login/Create an Account :: 207 comments

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Good, snipers aren't meant to be used for quick scoping.


-3D Well thats just made me annoyed.... One of the main things I enjoy on C.O.D is Quick Scoping.... And although Sniping clans aren't as popular anymore (Faze, OpTiC etc.) what are they gonna do? I hope they change that....

They have a game for your playstyle. Its called Black Ops 2 or Mw3 or Mw2. Stick to those and get over it.


Well thats just made me annoyed.... One of the main things I enjoy on C.O.D is Quick Scoping.... And although Sniping clans aren't as popular anymore (Faze, OpTiC etc.) what are they gonna do? I hope they change that....


gtapro151 so like black ops 1 sucks that there encouraging people to sit in 1 spot and look down a scope the whole game while us that run around and try to have fun like your suppose to in a game will suffer. but its whatever

You're a **** idiot. So by your logic, IW taking removing quick scoping is encouraging camping?


Yay! Quick scoping is moronic and defeats the purpose of a sniper rifle. I truly hope it is removed entirely to make sniping, once again, require skill. In all honesty, I would like to see the removal of all auto-aim/aim assist. It would bring some realism to the fight. Aim assist is highly unrealistic. You should have to actually aim your firearm, as you must in real life.


Infinity ward needs to focus on the competitive scene and stop with the quickscoping scene.

Drop quick scoping
Acquire LAN support, League Play and so on.


Good. This will stop about 1/3 of the traffic on YouTube that is CoD related, therefore furthermore reducing the popularity and focus of the dead franchise, and turn the attention over to Battlefield.


Upheavel Im not bothered if it has it or not. It will stop kids calling your hardscoper

it will also stop the quickscoping community on call of duty, which is probably 100,000+ people

Yeah I agree! Bad move by infinity hammer!


Upheavel Im not bothered if it has it or not. It will stop kids calling your hardscoper

it will also stop the quickscoping community on call of duty, which is probably 100,000+ people


Good. Please take out trickshotting.