Xbox Fitness officially announced with trailer

Microsoft has officially announced Xbox Fitness, shortly after details of the next-gen exercise app leaked.

Set to launch on Xbox One later this year, the online service will offer interactive takes on some of the world's most popular fitness videos. It will be free to access for Xbox Live Gold members through December 2014, after which it will presumably be charged for.

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"Xbox Fitness officially announced with trailer" :: Login/Create an Account :: 82 comments

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Sporting This is ridiculous. People can just go to the gym.

Exactly.. Pretty sad that people would use this.

exactly what i was thinking or people could not be lazy and do sports and to keep there fat levels down and the workout at home or the gym
Stupid Sony fanboys. Crawl back to your PS4 newsfeed. If you don't like our exclusive features that's fine. Just don't cry about it here.


lol wounder if it will be a big hit


looks pretty cool cant wait for Xbox one


Sporting This is ridiculous. People can just go to the gym.

Exactly.. Pretty sad that people would use this.

exactly what i was thinking or people could not be lazy and do sports and to keep there fat levels down and the workout at home or the gym


ouh looks great, can't wait for xbox one :ooo


Belial People just love to be mad at everything Microsoft does. I'm guessing you can go to the gym instead, but why waste money on membership, gas, etc. when you can just use your gaming console you're going to use anyway. They just add more stuff to the console to help out people and make it easier so you don't have to drive all the way to a gym (Some people don't live anywhere near a gym by the way), and people STILL ***** they're being greedy. Don't worry. Playstation will add this feature tomorrow, and everyone will praise them for being so innovative.

"Don't worry. Playstation will add this feature tomorrow, and everyone will praise them for being so innovative."

Oh boy that comment 100% its ridiculous how bad the gaming community is right now people are just getting on the sony bandwaggon and once they see xbox being such a great console they'll feel stupid.


If I ever release a fitness video I'll call it fmlUMadBroXtremebuff


People just love to be mad at everything Microsoft does. I'm guessing you can go to the gym instead, but why waste money on membership, gas, etc. when you can just use your gaming console you're going to use anyway. They just add more stuff to the console to help out people and make it easier so you don't have to drive all the way to a gym (Some people don't live anywhere near a gym by the way), and people STILL bitch they're being greedy. Don't worry. Playstation will add this feature tomorrow, and everyone will praise them for being so innovative.


xSTaTiCBLuEx And this is Microsoft's attempt to try to appeal to even more people...though it obviously won't work too well. COncetrate on making an awesome console, not trying to stuff as much stuff into it as possible you greedy ****.

Re-read what you just said... Putting more content in is essentially making it better when the content is good.

Quantity=/= Quality. :facepalm:

"When the content is good"



Why are people so against this lol its something for free who cares if its a "stupid idea" you don't have to work out for 30minutes before you can play or anything its good for those who don't really like going to the gym and want to do some sort of exercise.