Call of Duty not representative of military life, says Ghosts producer

The Call of Duty series has often prided itself on its realistic take on military warfare. However, as the years have gone on, they've veered away from a realism and moved more towards the Hollywood blockbuster territory seen in Call of Duty: Ghosts and its sci-fi elements. The reason for that, according to Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg and Infinity Ward executive producer Mark Rubin, is because they can't completely replicate the war stories told directly to them by military veterans.

"There an enormous amount of appreciation for what [veterans] do," Rubin told Game Informer. "In no way do we feel we are a representation of what their lives are like. We are trying to be a cinematic movie experience based on authentic equipment and authentic experience. A lot of the stuff that we show in the game has been done by someone, but it's not a representation of what they do or it's not an equivalent in any way of what they do. We're just trying to make a fun movie."

This is clearly a different approach than the one EA took with Medal of Honor.

Though it's a fictional experience, Hirshberg does note that veterans are included in the development process. "We try to make our games authentic, we try to get the feel right. And then, also, there are guys who come in and do our mo-cap for us and become actors in the game, do the stunts in our commercials, and certainly, there are some high-level consultants who have some harrowing stories that have been some of the inspiration for some of the missions and levels in our games."

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"Call of Duty not representative of military life, says Ghosts producer" :: Login/Create an Account :: 89 comments

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Gotta_Have_It It never has represented military life in my opinion, I mean you don't get hitmarkers in real life and you don't chuck C4 around every corner and so on....

Dude I'm pretty sure the article is talking about the campaign of the game. But people like you are so brainwashed by the multiplayer that campaign doesn't even exist to you anymore. Every CoD campaign I believe had a very realistic feel to it, especially WaW. I think that game had the most influence from history in that case WW2, and made it into a realistic experience.

even waw? eh? after you beat it you had to play zombies! hahaha


-Skillz I'm way more excited for bf4

Well I have both reserved with extras(premium+hardened) and I think I'll play them both equally

I'm got Ghosts paid for, I'm just trying to decide between Shadowfall and BF4

Tbh I like underrated MP games such as shadow fall. I feel they are more fun. I would get shadowfall

Wasn't a huge fan of killzone 3 but this one looks a lot different and the gameplay for it looks crazy!


Gotta_Have_It It never has represented military life in my opinion, I mean you don't get hitmarkers in real life and you don't chuck C4 around every corner and so on....

Dude I'm pretty sure the article is talking about the campaign of the game. But people like you are so brainwashed by the multiplayer that campaign doesn't even exist to you anymore. Every CoD campaign I believe had a very realistic feel to it, especially WaW. I think that game had the most influence from history in that case WW2, and made it into a realistic experience.

It's not that it's realistic, the missions resemble historical events. Event though the gameplay isn't realistic but who cares. I play for fun, if I wanted a military feel I would join the NAVY

Could not of said it better myself I would of joined the army or Navy to see what the Military life is like I always thought of Cod of just a game at the end of the day and thats all It will be.


Gotta_Have_It It never has represented military life in my opinion, I mean you don't get hitmarkers in real life and you don't chuck C4 around every corner and so on....

Dude I'm pretty sure the article is talking about the campaign of the game. But people like you are so brainwashed by the multiplayer that campaign doesn't even exist to you anymore. Every CoD campaign I believe had a very realistic feel to it, especially WaW. I think that game had the most influence from history in that case WW2, and made it into a realistic experience.

It's not that it's realistic, the missions resemble historical events. Event though the gameplay isn't realistic but who cares. I play for fun, if I wanted a military feel I would join the NAVY


Gotta_Have_It It never has represented military life in my opinion, I mean you don't get hitmarkers in real life and you don't chuck C4 around every corner and so on....

Dude I'm pretty sure the article is talking about the campaign of the game. But people like you are so brainwashed by the multiplayer that campaign doesn't even exist to you anymore. Every CoD campaign I believe had a very realistic feel to it, especially WaW. I think that game had the most influence from history in that case WW2, and made it into a realistic experience.


-Skillz I'm way more excited for bf4

Well I have both reserved with extras(premium+hardened) and I think I'll play them both equally

I'm got Ghosts paid for, I'm just trying to decide between Shadowfall and BF4

Tbh I like underrated MP games such as shadow fall. I feel they are more fun. I would get shadowfall


-Skillz I'm way more excited for bf4

Well I have both reserved with extras(premium+hardened) and I think I'll play them both equally


-Skillz I'm way more excited for bf4

I think they will both be pretty fun and Ghosts seems like it's mainly from IW and not heavily influenced by sledgehammer like mw3 was so I'm hoping they can return to their glory days of mw2


I'm way more excited for bf4


Mentalist I'm getting excited for Ghosts, the game looks epic.

I'm not that excited for it