Real-name user ID option to be available through PSN at launch on PS4

Sony has confirmed that the option to use your your real-name through PSN will be made available at launch for PlayStation 4. Sony announced the ability to use a real-name ID would be available on the console, but until today it was unknown whether it would be made available at launch. Xbox One will allow users to do the same thing, but the option will not be made available at launch.

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"Real-name user ID option to be available through PSN at launch on PS4" :: Login/Create an Account :: 37 comments

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I'm just going to use the feature to change my username on PSN.


Anyone else think they just said this because Microsoft said it'll be delayed on the xbone. It wouldn't be the first time.


Lavish I rather people know me as an alias than what my name is in real life.

its a option, they are not forcing it.


I rather people know me as an alias than what my name is in real life.


I still don't understand the big deal here. I can use my real name on Xbox 360. It is on my profile. Furthermore, if you want friends to be able to find you by searching your name, simply change your Gamertag/PSN ID to your name. Done and done. Searching for a friend by name might be a pain in the rear though, unless your name is incredibly unique. I mean, do a Google search on your name. You may be surprised to find how many people share your name, and I am quite sure that at least a few of them play video games online. For the people saying, "But I can't remember who is who" I highly recommend building your memory. I have 100 friends on Xbox Live and easily remember the identity of each one of them, as can you.


Plamra I prefer that people do not know my real name but whatever.

So don't use it? Simple as that.


I prefer that people do not know my real name but whatever.