Xbox One can play CDs and is DLNA compatible

Sony released an extensive FAQ on the upcoming PlayStation 4 earlier this week and it showed that the next generation game console won't be able to play any CDs. The PS4 also won't support streaming content from a DLNA enabled device. These are features that are supported with Sony's current PS3 console.

Now the Penny Arcade Report has confirmed, via a Microsoft statement, that the company's Xbox One console will in fact play audio CDs and will be DLNA compatible. The story adds that the DLNA support for the console is still in the process of being certified. You may remember that Microsoft had previously confirmed that the Xbox One would not serve as a native Windows Media Center Extender, but the news that it will support DLNA does mean that the console will be able to stream content from other DLNA devices.

The PS4 FAQ also said that the console won't support the playback of MP3 files. Microsoft apparently won't allow Xbox One owners to import MP3 files directly to the console, but it will support streaming of music files from Play To devices like a Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 PC.

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"Xbox One can play CDs and is DLNA compatible" :: Login/Create an Account :: 71 comments

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PENGUIN9NER MS should have released all the stuff the Xbox one can do, instead they told us what it couldn't do.
But now it looks the like the tables have turned on sony and now they are telling us what the PS4 can't do and it can't even play/stream music?

I love streaming movies from my phone to my Xbox its a massive + for me.

you can stream music from a ipod or sell phone. you just can't use cds but lts be honest when is the last time you use a CD?


YhCHKN The PS4 is going downhill.
It's slowly turning into the old Xbox one, where they wouldn't let you use anything.
And that Sony, is why Microsoft are ahead of you.

are you seriously that dumb?


The PS4 is going downhill.
It's slowly turning into the old Xbox one, where they wouldn't let you use anything.
And that Sony, is why Microsoft are ahead of you.


Eh, this is pretty cool. I guess I may use this feature.


That's pretty cool, I don't use CDs though


It's cool that they play CDs but i'm sure not many use them anymore?


TTgUNLIMITED I honestly have to ask this, do people even use CD's anymore?

Loads of people do, they pretty useful sometimes.


I think this was my fun fact of the day.


TTgUNLIMITED I honestly have to ask this, do people even use CD's anymore?

I use them to import songs from my PC to Xbox for WWE Games


I honestly have to ask this, do people even use CD's anymore?