Call of Duty Ghosts 10th Lobby All Prestiges And Camo images

Today TheTechGame was sent images of what seems to be proof of rank modding on Call of Duty Ghosts TTG user says he is able to set ranks and unlock everything for Xbox360 users.

FeelsGoodBro kindly sent over screenshots of all 10 prestiges plus what is known to the community as 11th prestige (something you should never have) so you can see how they all look.

He also sent us images of all the camos you can unlock on Call of Duty Ghosts you can view them below.

The images below are in order from 1st to 11th prestige.

All Camos unlocked with images of Gold, Body Count, and Kiss of Death.

earlier today 15 hidden camos that will surely be DLC camos also appeared online

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"Call of Duty Ghosts 10th Lobby All Prestiges And Camo images" :: Login/Create an Account :: 121 comments

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I guess Battlefield won this battle.


I dont understand why people are B*tching about there being 10th prestige mods? Like who cares? It doesn't affect you in anyway. If there was mods for online such as god mode or wall hack i would understand why you're complaining but there isn't so all you who are complaining get that stick out of your rectum.

But going back to this topic it seems they downgraded the artwork they put into the prestige badges they are not very simple and also the colors for them seem very gloomy. All i see is black and white in all them and 1 has red and the 10th has gold. Im disappointed on that one IW.


Awesome stuff! Hope they ban the hackers though


JimboSlice Wtf the game isn't even out yet and it's modded? Fail on IW's part.

There will always be ways to mod a game, even the best security in the world has it's flaws.


OMG, this is definitely gonna be like MW2 when it comes to hacks. Play the game LEGIT


So, their releasing Ghosts where MW2 left off...I guess this what everyone wanted?


Wtf the game isn't even out yet and it's modded? Fail on IW's part.


Wow this game hasn't even been released and it's getting modded.


Not good... Not good indead


I am a lot upset about modding is already out for the game when its not even released. They need to do something like MW2, how it was hard to mod it after tu7. I will say the prestige icons are sick as hell,thanks feelsgoodbro.