Xbox One’s Snap feature demonstrated in new video

Xbox One’s multitasking Snap feature has been demonstrated by Microsoft’s chief marketing and strategy officer, Yusuf Mehdi, and you can watch it in action below. The feature allows the user to search the Internet, watch YouTube and play a game all at the same time.

Xbox One is out on November 22.

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"Xbox One’s Snap feature demonstrated in new video" :: Login/Create an Account :: 44 comments

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Frog This looks really awesome to be honest, only thing is, I don't care what my Xbox friends are doing and I won't be paying for TV on my Xbox. It's also quite funny how bad the presenter is at racing games :p

i would like to see you doing 3 things at once 1: playing a racing game 2: searching for stuff in the internet and 3: talking to someone with a camera.


Don't see why people hated this in the first place, looks great.


Snap feature is pretty epic. I would use this to search TTG while playing Titan fall or something like that.


This will be very useful for when I'm watching a tutorial on how to do something in a game.


He is rather bad at racing :p


This is pretty cool! All these features just make me want to buy it on the first day but.. So much money.


This looks really awesome to be honest, only thing is, I don't care what my Xbox friends are doing and I won't be paying for TV on my Xbox. It's also quite funny how bad the presenter is at racing games :p


Thats so sick yoooo! I always wondered if a company would every do that and they did! Now i can watch the Lakers game while i play COD or nba 2k without having to switch the games! **** YEAH!! haha


seems pretty boss now i can watch the game and keep playing


Dreams prob wont use this idk anyone that wants to play cod while skyping while watching the basketball game and surfing the web

get the hell outta here **** idiot