Microsoft sells 1 million Xbox One units in its first 24 hours

Microsoft has announced a successful Xbox One launch with over 1 million units sold worldwide in the first 24 hours. That roughly matches Sony’s PlayStation 4, which also topped 1 million in its first day.

Friday’s launch outpaced the launches for the Xbox 360 and the original Xbox.

If you’re looking for more Xbox One stats, Microsoft provided the following numbers:

Over 60 million zombies have been killed in “Dead Rising 3”
Over 3.6 million miles driven in “Forza Motorsport 5”
Over 7.1 million combos in “Killer Instinct”
Over 8.5 million enemies defeated in “Ryse: Son of Rome”
43.3 million Fit Points earned in Xbox Fitness
The firm also noted in its release that the Xbox One is sold out at “most retailers.”

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"Microsoft sells 1 million Xbox One units in its first 24 hours" :: Login/Create an Account :: 110 comments

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This is mad lel...

Hopefully they make more.


ZENU96 I love how they have the xbox's in a money truck

armoured trucks transfer more than just money.
They're used to transfer large amounts of money from banks, from schools and universities and other business. They can also be used to transfer jewellery, and large amounts of high values, such as Xbox Ones, in bulk...


Ted- This is scary that PS4 got 1 million in America only, but XB1 only got a million worldwide.

Wasn't aware there were only 13 countries in the world.

Even so, 13 countries( xbox) vs 2-3 countries (Sony) and they both sell around the same in that time perioid, shows sony are on top at the moment and im not fanboy in any sort of way im just comparing the both.


Thats absolutely insane...


Note For all the people saying 720p/1080p crap, it doesn't matter. Graphics don't make a game good. The developers do. The content matters. If you were really a gamer you wouldn't care. I've played a variety of games, regardless of graphics, some of the most basic 2D art games can be the most enjoyable.

You all need to review your view/opinion on it all.

Both consoles are more than capable of 1080p. I'm sure Xbox game dev's will bump it up on game's when they get to grips with the new specs.

But on topic, Good job Microsoft. I wonder how close they were to 2 million.

Agreed. I mean look at the first few game released on xbox 360 like COD 2. That game looks terrible compared to Halo 4 right? So the jump between first xbox one games and the last xbox one games is going to be huge.
f you're going to start throwing around accusations about the PS4 being more graphically advance then I suggest you do some research.

You see, it's mostly due to Sony making games mandatory 1080p, everyone thinks nextgen is just 1080p at 60FPS.

Microsoft are allowing developers to pick their resolution, and they learned this from the Xbox 360 launch.

Sony are doing what Microsoft done at the launch of the 360, dictate what developers must do. Sony tells them 1080p minimum, even if the game suffers blurry graphics or FPS drops, it doesn't matter, as you can see in the Battlefield 4 comparison video.

If you're wondering why Microsoft made it mandatory for developers to have games at 720p 2xAA, they learned the hard way, it's not always possible or consumers will suffer.

I really do feel sorry for the developers that can't hit 1080p on the PS4 since Sony won't be happy.

In my opinion, Microsoft are doing it right, yeah I want larger numbers but I also want a game that looks sexy & has loads of stuff happening all over the place, if 1080p doesn't allow that then I don't want it.

Games are meant to be about fun, rather than nitpicking about visuals we can barely see.

The Xbox is a custom built system, with many things that can't be translated into TFlops, on the other hand the PS4 is more or less completely off the shelf PC parts. Yes the PS4 has a higher TFlop count, but then again the Xbox One has 15 custom processors for doing stuff that the PS4 has to do all on its CPU/GPU & the on the Xbox One these are free for the system, what that means is that it's not using GPU/CPU cycles.

In the end both systems are great in there own right and in a few years no one will care. Anyone saying otherwise is either blind or Microsoft hating.


Since when is worldwide a dozen countries?


Ted- This is scary that PS4 got 1 million in America only, but XB1 only got a million worldwide.

Wasn't aware there were only 13 countries in the world.


Note For all the people saying 720p/1080p crap, it doesn't matter. Graphics don't make a game good. The developers do. The content matters. If you were really a gamer you wouldn't care. I've played a variety of games, regardless of graphics, some of the most basic 2D art games can be the most enjoyable.

You all need to review your view/opinion on it all.

Both consoles are more than capable of 1080p. I'm sure Xbox game dev's will bump it up on game's when they get to grips with the new specs.

But on topic, Good job Microsoft. I wonder how close they were to 2 million.

Agreed. I mean look at the first few game released on xbox 360 like COD 2. That game looks terrible compared to Halo 4 right? So the jump between first xbox one games and the last xbox one games is going to be huge.


For all the people saying 720p/1080p crap, it doesn't matter. Graphics don't make a game good. The developers do. The content matters. If you were really a gamer you wouldn't care. I've played a variety of games, regardless of graphics, some of the most basic 2D art games can be the most enjoyable.

You all need to review your view/opinion on it all.

Both consoles are more than capable of 1080p. I'm sure Xbox game dev's will bump it up on game's when they get to grips with the new specs.

But on topic, Good job Microsoft. I wonder how close they were to 2 million.


Poor effort considering Sony got the same results having only launched in two countries.