Leaked video shows GTA Online's unreleased content creator


GTA Online, the multiplayer side of Grand Theft Auto 5, will eventually add a content creator first promised in the announcement trailer, but one plucky individual managed to uncover it early, or at least an old version of it, in the current game code.

The above video, from the same individual who discovered potential upcoming DLC packs in the Beach Bum update game code, shows how the content cam works. Spawning weaponry appears to be a snap and even though we don't get to see this YouTuber start up any matches, you can clearly see options for beginning a Race or Deathmatch.

Rockstar Games has yet to announce when the full content creator will be unlocked in GTA Online.

Related Forum: Grand Theft Auto Forum

Source: http://www.joystiq.com/2013/12/02/leaked-video-shows-gta-onlines-unreleased-content-creator/


"Leaked video shows GTA Online's unreleased content creator" :: Login/Create an Account :: 92 comments

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Canidae This is pointless now! The games been out for 2 months, people are getting bored. Wish this came out when the game did.

I honestly think if this came out with the game, it would still be dead.
I think this might bring some flare back into it.


Woof If we can create our own missions and it's not just limited to deathmatches or races, then this has the potential to be awesome, otherwise, meh.

The only thing is, as it is right now, you cannot gain XP or cash.
Just for fun.


Can't wait! This is going to be awesome


If we can create our own missions and it's not just limited to deathmatches or races, then this has the potential to be awesome, otherwise, meh.


smoothskin Does anyone know the release date of this ?

There is no release date.
It is a leaked video so there obviously hasn't been set yet.


Looks pretty cool and interesting would probably try to make an arena with this


Does anyone know the release date of this ?


fex People are going to make incredibly short races or missions for stupidly awesome XP :D

I doubt you can put XP or cash on these missions

I couldn't see you being able to get XP from these missions either. It would make playing official missions pretty pointless.


fex People are going to make incredibly short races or missions for stupidly awesome XP :D

These custom missions or races will be for fun only.
I seriously doubt you would be able to make it as an advantage over others.

It might turn it into advantages.

I don't see how making custom missions or races that wouldn't allow you to get XP or money could turn into a advantage.


This looks awesome, I can't wait!