10-year-old scores felony charge through 'Minecraft

The online building-block game Minecraft is a great tool that can lead to the strengthening of a player's creative and strategic abilities.

For one unfortunate child, though, the game led to something else: a felony charge.

An unidentified 74-year-old grandmother from Lincoln, Neb., received a call from her bank notifying her of suspicious charges on her credit card account. It turns out that the thief was not some random cyber criminal, but rather her 10-year-old grandson. The child had managed to rack up over $800 on the card through Minecraft.

The only way the woman could reverse the charges was to file a police report. When she did so, the boy attracted police officers' suspicion of felony theft. Because of his age, the boy's case will be heard in juvenile court.

While the Xbox Live Marketplace does indeed charge for some additions to the game, such as themes or additional characters and tools, nothing is anywhere near $800. Most items available for purchase run anywhere from $1 to $4.

On the other hand, $800 can buy a lot of pickaxes.

Related Forum: Gaming Discussion

Source: http://www.dailydot.com/crime/nebraska-xbox-minecraft-felony-theft-grandson/


"10-year-old scores felony charge through 'Minecraft" :: Login/Create an Account :: 136 comments

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CL4PTRAP How can a kid buy $800 worth of minecraft stuff of the xbl store?
Seems like a scam.

This is in the Technology section. Maybe he did it on the PC or something idk.
I give up on humanity. If you looked at there source, if you read the article, if you took anytime to read anything you wouldn't sound like a retard. It's in the wrong section, but it has nothing to do with of, and were on Minecraft can you buy pick axes like this article states. It seems as if they are confused, cause last time I checked, you can buy pick axes on minecraft xbox edition.


I'm not really sure - and the article didn't clarify - how exactly he spent $800.

As the article does say, most things range from one dollar to four dollars. So how did he manage to do this?

Lol @ His grandmother filing a police lawsuit against him.


CL4PTRAP How can a kid buy $800 worth of minecraft stuff of the xbl store?
Seems like a scam.

This is in the Technology section. Maybe he did it on the PC or something idk.


Axe Thats insane, I think its stupid that a grandmother would file a police report against her grandson though.

It isn't insane. If someone commits an act such as this they should have to pay the consequences whether he's 10 or not. There is no way he could think its okay to spend that much money that didn't even belong to him.


Is that what the youth of the day will go to? Man that's pathetic.


Axe Thats insane, I think its stupid that a grandmother would file a police report against her grandson though.

So she could get her money back?


Thats insane, I think its stupid that a grandmother would file a police report against her grandson though.


How can a kid buy $800 worth of minecraft stuff of the xbl store?
Seems like a scam.


Haha what a thief. Serves him right.


The kid is old enough to understand what he is doing. What an effing idiot.