Report: Battlefield 4 DLC purchase fails to upgrade to next-gen

A wholly new problem has found Battlefield 4, thanks to a report claiming that the PlayStation 3 version of the game's China Rising DLC is not being upgraded to its PlayStation 4 counterpart, despite EA's earlier, public claims to the contrary.

China Rising is the first in a series of planned expansions for Battlefield 4 and was offered as a free pre-order bonus to anyone willing to put down cash early on any version of the game. At the same time, EA (and many other publishers) were involved in a promotion that would allow players to upgrade a game from its PS3 or Xbox 360 iteration to a next-gen counterpart for a small fraction of the game's purchase price.

Though the official Battlefield Twitter account claims that China Rising should be upgraded alongside the game using the aforementioned promotion, a player using the name "buckethead232" has revealed a text chat with an EA customer service representative which directly contradicts that idea. "According to the latest updates, upgraded players have to purchase [China Rising]," the representative told the player, before adding that the only ways to get China Rising on either a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One are to pre-order a next-generation version of the game, spend $15 to buy the DLC piecemeal, or spend $60 for the Battlefield Premium service (which bundles all Battlefield 4 DLC).

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"Report: Battlefield 4 DLC purchase fails to upgrade to next-gen" :: Login/Create an Account :: 48 comments

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EA is going to loose so much money after these law suits.


People pay like $60 for the game and then it doesn't even work? Hahaha surely thats a crime


Really? EA Really do take the p!ss sometimes


I hate this, i think its stupid, fix your game.


Wish they fixed all of these issues.


Battlefield 4 having all these problems... they need to just make a whole new game.


I just bought premium for the 360, I would be mad if I upgraded to Xbox One and didn't get it. I hope they fix this.

(Premium is $50, Not $60)


-TwoChainz Sucks for premium users who pay and EA still messes up.

EA is a pretty bad company... wish their service and reliability met up to the expectations of the games


Sucks for premium users who pay and EA still messes up.


Im-Faded Ooh that stinks for everyone hopefully they fix it.

I was under the impression the only thing that was available for upgrade was a BF4 Premium subscription as well as being able to one-time migrate your stats to your next-gen account.

If you bought the Extinction DLC for COD Ghosts on Xbox 360 are you allowed to re-download it for free on Xbox One if you're not a Season Pass holder?