Steam delivers free weekend for Saints Row 4, Company of Heroes 2

Sega's military strategy game Company of Heroes 2 and Volition's open-world fever dream simulator Saints Row 4 are next in line to get the Free Steam Weekend treatment. Both games are free to download and play via Steam starting today and extending through Sunday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

Company of Heroes 2 additionally drops its price by 66 percent over the weekend, while Saints Row 4 is currently 50 percent off. The Saints Row Franchise Pack is also up for grabs at a steep discount, offering Saints Row 2, Saints Row: The Third, Saints Row 4, and a fairly ridiculous collection of DLC for $29.99.

If a dual-game free weekend hasn't yet quenched your thirst for sweet deals, Digital Extremes' The Darkness 2 is currently priced at $7.49 as part of today's Steam Daily Deal.

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"Steam delivers free weekend for Saints Row 4, Company of Heroes 2" :: Login/Create an Account :: 90 comments

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i got it and beat it before it ended, pretty cool game, played all 3 before it was pretty nice to beat this one for free


I only ever played Saints Row 2, I never actually got on well with it. To close to GTA in my opinion.


Luxe Got saints row 4. Pretty fun game

I feel Saints Row2 is the best one, they went childish with it, i mean come on. Immature the game is.

Yeah my favorite one was Saints row 2 but its good that they add more vehicles / Weapons.


Nahh I've never really been a fan of saint row games. There to fake looking.

That is the fun of it although they went from gangster to being wacky/comedy.
but the powers are so fun.


I played this all weekend


I've never really been a fan of saint row games. There to fake looking.


I know plenty of SR fans love and hold SR2 in high regard (myself included) while SR4 is a totally different beast from when it started from now it's a good game by it's own right and worth a try. Just don't expect ANY serious or meaningful moments in the storyline.


Gubbins Im saving the room for Arma lol, my computer = bad

Lol, you need a bigger HDD.

or a SSD, for faster loading times you n00b.. jkes

buy a smaller SSD for more of the price and store about 4 games on it. Good idea... lolno.

SSD as a main storage option is dumb, buy a small 64 or 128 gb hdd for the OS and a crew programs. Enjoy the boot speeds and have a 2nd large hdd for cheap.

*Few programs, autocorrect sucks.


Gubbins Im saving the room for Arma lol, my computer = bad

Lol, you need a bigger HDD.

or a SSD, for faster loading times you n00b.. jkes

buy a smaller SSD for more of the price and store about 4 games on it. Good idea... lolno.

SSD as a main storage option is dumb, buy a small 64 or 128 gb hdd for the OS and a crew programs. Enjoy the boot speeds and have a 2nd large hdd for cheap.


Gubbins Im saving the room for Arma lol, my computer = bad

Lol, you need a bigger HDD.

or a SSD, for faster loading times you n00b.. jkes

buy a smaller SSD for more of the price and store about 4 games on it. Good idea... lolno.