Xbox One and PS4 difference isn't "all that great", insists Microsoft

"There could be a lot of reasons" why Tomb Raider's frame rate varies between versions

Outspoken Microsoft senior director Albert Penello has chimed in once again on the Xbox One/PS4 specs debate, with particular reference to a recent upset about Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, which reportedly doesn't run at 60 frames a second on Xbox One.

"Look, I had a lot of time to think about this and I believe in what I said," Penello told listeners during a new Gamer Tag Radio podcast, harvested by GamingBolt. Presumably, "what I said" is a reference to a chat with OXM about why comparing one console's specifications to another is basically "meaningless".

"I believe that the differences between the boxes are not all that great," Penello went on. "And I know what is going behind the scenes and I have access to more information about some of this than a lot of people. Sometimes people tend to neglect the points that are in my favour and they like to highlight the points that tell me I am wrong. I still think Ryse is still the best looking game on any platform. Period. End of story.

"I think if you look at the titles which we launched [with], which were multiplatform titles, the bulk of them were the same," he added. "I think there were 12 titles were released on both platforms, leaving three all of them had the same performance on both boxes. Everybody wants to focus on frame rate [with] Tomb Raider, there is a resolution thing going on and OK, there could be a lot of reasons why that could be true.

"But we are just a [few] weeks in, we just shipped, it's a long generation. People who bought an Xbox One are going to be in for an awesome generation of games that are only going to get better. I think these little things get way overblown versus the quality of the games and the real differences in experiences which are pretty minor."

Microsoft has suggested that Xbox One's specs are about "agility and brains" not "brute force" - it's all about serving up a stable platform for developers to work with, apparently, while setting aside resources for app developers.

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"Xbox One and PS4 difference isn't "all that great", insists Microsoft" :: Login/Create an Account :: 143 comments

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I think there is a massive difference. Mostly in sales ;)


I stick with xbox . PS3/PS4 is crap to me.


I dont care, I will still play it. It's nothing worth ditching the Xbone.


-CP Xbox ONE software is superior to the PS4's, and PS4 hardware is superior to the Xbox ONE's. Simple as that.

Yes. I suppose your opinion is as simple as that.

What i don't understand is why the hell don't the both company's just merge on one console? and make the best in the world!?... then Sony fan-boys will get together with Xbox fan-boys and then create a huge alliance instead of fighting with each other all the time?

That will never happen and it would be really bad


The difference isn't too much at all. I don't care which one I get. I'll go for the cheapest one :p


I played the ps4 in game when I was waiting for my one controller and to be honest, I hated it


-CP Xbox ONE software is superior to the PS4's, and PS4 hardware is superior to the Xbox ONE's. Simple as that.

Yes. I suppose your opinion is as simple as that.

What i don't understand is why the hell don't the both company's just merge on one console? and make the best in the world!?... then Sony fan-boys will get together with Xbox fan-boys and then create a huge alliance instead of fighting with each other all the time?


They may be similar, however the price is what makes one better from the other in my opnion. The PS4 uses DDR5 RAM where as the XBOX ONE uses DDR3. Also, the graphics are better on PS4 i think, apart from forza 5 on xbox one. I read an article about it. Also, they may be similar in specs however the price difference is something to take into account. I have owned both an XBOX 360 and a PS3, and the PS4 and XBOX1 are both great.


I haven't had a chance to play the ps4, so I can't really give any feedback for that area. However, I own a Xbone and the graphics are amazing. Just wish that they had more games.


-CP Xbox ONE software is superior to the PS4's, and PS4 hardware is superior to the Xbox ONE's. Simple as that.

Yes. I suppose your opinion is as simple as that.