Permanent Gold Deagle and 10th Prestige skull emblem


Just in case you have not seen you can now have a Permanent Gold desert eagle the same one seen on cod4 and you can fully unlock the 10th Prestige spinning skull emblem so you are able to change your emblem without losing it you can also have a Permanent UAV on while in ranked a cause for concern? if you want to learn more hit the mw2 forums for more info



"Permanent Gold Deagle and 10th Prestige skull emblem" :: Login/Create an Account :: 261 comments

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can you inv me ill pay 1600 msp or more gt BLAzIN CLuTcH


Can u invite me to a lobby i'll pay 1600 points thanks!!!


Please invite me my GT -THE BOY NELLY


soo ive been lookin for a legit 10th prestige lobby with the spining emblem,

but have been having trouble if u could plz help.i will pay 1600msp or 3 month. my GT is

IK ii IN GxIYIo send me a message about it.


Yo iv ben looking for some1 with a j-tag
if you have 1 and can do this my GT is
I 1337 JESUS I
I hav an HD capcard & a good host booter
so if you can do it msg me on XBL and i c its legit ill pay up to 4000 msp or 50$ paypal
or ill make some videos and put them on utube 4 ya


invite me i pay gt is FLUFFYxASSASSIN


O yeah my GT:Little A89 plz let me do it plz


Dude i will do anything to do this anything i swear i will give u microsoft points headshots nukes 3 month cards plz let me in one of those games


Dude i will do anything to do this anything i swear i will give u microsoft points headshots nukes 3 month cards plz let me in one of those games


i am looking for someone to 10th prestige me for free i know that is a little much to ask but my XBL Gamertag is (MaFiA ReWiind)