Permanent Gold Deagle and 10th Prestige skull emblem


Just in case you have not seen you can now have a Permanent Gold desert eagle the same one seen on cod4 and you can fully unlock the 10th Prestige spinning skull emblem so you are able to change your emblem without losing it you can also have a Permanent UAV on while in ranked a cause for concern? if you want to learn more hit the mw2 forums for more info



"Permanent Gold Deagle and 10th Prestige skull emblem" :: Login/Create an Account :: 261 comments

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invite cocacola01 thats my gamertag for free tenth


could someone send me a invite i

really want a 10th prestige and that emblem/deagle

gt: IK ii IN GxIYIo


please help me i pay ms just for the Permanent Gold Deagle and 10th Prestige skull emblem


yo help meee get it plz ill pay u 48 hr


can you invite im allready 10th but need challanges cheers.GT: HDz iRapiiDZz


GT: ReLaPz iZ BaCK i want to know how much it is just for gold desert eagle.


how can i get into this lobby? i am already a tenth prestige but just want all challenges and gold deagle and spinning 10th emblem. i have a pay pal account. thanks


Invite me in please GT : SeZuRe


can anyone do it for me if so invite Sam1zy yodady


yo if u could inv me i would much appreciate it gt: iCoreyXD