Batman: Arkham Origins not likely to receive bug fixes

Batman: Arkham Origins bugs that do not actively stand in the way of story progression will NOT be resolved in a timely manner according to a community representative for developer Warner Bros. Montreal.

The team is currently working hard on the upcoming story DLC and there currently are no plans for releasing another patch to address the issues that have been reported on the forums."Warner Bros. Community Representative"

The reasoning given for this attitude from the developer is apparently their attention is completely held by designing new DLC versus a QoL style update to deal with bugs persisting for players.

What is your opinion on the devs not setting aside a few members of their team to handle QoL fixes?

Related Forum: PlayStation Forum


"Batman: Arkham Origins not likely to receive bug fixes" :: Login/Create an Account :: 56 comments

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Developers should spend more time working on their games instead of just rushing a release. That way they wouldn't have to work on bugs because there wouldn't be any.


Are there really that many people who play this game anyway?


This sucks, I wish they would keep updating it.


It can't be hard to fix some glitches, also people won't want to buy dlc with a glitched game.


Vauxhall Sad that they care more about DLC than fixing errors

Agreed, people aren't going to want to buy the DLC for a game with glitches all over the place.


That's the problem with a lot of developers. They work really hard on a game and then when the game's released they just don't think about improving it anymore. They just work on DLC, which is terrible since they pretty much sold you a faulty product.


Sad that they care more about DLC than fixing errors


didn't really notice any bugs anyway.


i bought this game last week, shame theyre not doing bug fixes


I've always thought game developers should fix a game before they go ahead and work on more dlc for the game.