Nintendo denies objections to de-listed iOS hit Flappy Bird

Though allegations that Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen copied art assets from Nintendo have run rampant since its debut, the Japanese gaming giant claims to have had no role in this weekend's removal of the smash-hit iOS game.

"While we usually do not comment on the rumors and speculations, we have already denied the speculation," a Nintendo spokesperson told the Wall Street Journal.

Nguyen has remained relatively silent on his motivations for removing Flappy Bird, though in his tweet announcing the game's de-listing, Nguyen states, "I cannot take this anymore." It's unclear what exactly Nguyen is referencing there, though a Twitter search for the phrase "Flappy Bird" returns thousands of harassing tweets alongside numerous articles decrying the independent developer for intellectual property theft.

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"Nintendo denies objections to de-listed iOS hit Flappy Bird" :: Login/Create an Account :: 76 comments

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I can see why he removed Flappy Birds, he keeps getting harassed and he keeps receiving death threats.


well now i can clear that up with my friends who are adamant he removed it because of Nintendo.


I don't think there is something more going on here, it seems that it is just really simple and that he has done with seeing it everywhere and the pressure just got to him and he didn't have a good support system. I don't see Nintendo doing something like this because it would hurt them a lot and it would just lower their stock prices.


I just can't believe people are selling their phones for more because they have flappy bird pre installed


Sanctorum People have to stop talking about this. All I see everywhere is Flappy bird. It's all over eBay, YouTube, Facebook and even TTG. It NEEDS to stop!!

It's a passing fad, just wait a few weeks and i will be surprised if i still hear many people talking about it.


Aggie Of course they would deny this, why would they say yeah it was us that got the most popular game of the year knocked off the app store. Come on.

Eh well, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say maybe they didn't have anything to do with it. All it was were pipes anyways.

and the background to an extent aswell as the bird.


Aggie Of course they would deny this, why would they say yeah it was us that got the most popular game of the year knocked off the app store. Come on.

Well the creator wanted to take it down himself... I don't think Nintendo would care otherwise. They would have sued/requested a takedown in may when it came out


Aggie Of course they would deny this, why would they say yeah it was us that got the most popular game of the year knocked off the app store. Come on.

Eh well, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say maybe they didn't have anything to do with it. All it was were pipes anyways.


Of course they would deny this, why would they say yeah it was us that got the most popular game of the year knocked off the app store. Come on.


Third_Eye How did FLAPPY BIRD get so big? This is like the hottest news story yet aside from all these winter storms.

Very likely from word of mouth advertising. One person plays it, so their friends play it and it just grows from there. People try to compete with each-others high scores and it simply becomes pretty 'addicting' due to the competitive aspect of it all