Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes is 1080p on PS4, 720p on Xbox One

Konami's Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes will run at 1080p on PS4 and 720p on Xbox One, according to a current-gen vs. next-gen comparison page put up by the publisher. The comparison page has side-by-side screenshots, so you can judge the difference in resolution for yourself. Both next-gen versions will run at 60 frames per second, while the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions will run at 30 frames per second.

The PlayStation 4 is also getting a little extra love from Big Boss and friends thanks to a special edition console themed to fit the game. The first special edition PS4 will be the FOX Edition - a black PS4 with the FOX Engine logo branded in a pale gold on its glossy top. An image of the console is just after the break.

The system is up now on the Japanese version of the Sony Store, for a price of 46,980 yen (approx. $460). No word on whether the system will be available in other regions. Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes comes to North American shores March 18.

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"Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes is 1080p on PS4, 720p on Xbox One" :: Login/Create an Account :: 64 comments

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I was thinking about getting the Ps4, but I do not really know if I should.. All the games that I like are coming on Xbox One, but most of my friends are on the Ps4. -.-


Sanctorum PS4 games are running at better resolution than XB1 games AND their is already a special edition PS4 console being released. Sorry Microsoft fan boys, but Sony are in the lead. Anyway, I've never been a fan of MGS but this special edition console sounds good to me!

Why is there always some **** who has to bring the console war in the mix? So what if they're in the lead? When the 360 was selling more consoles than the PS3, did you see any 360 fanboys boast about it? No, you didn't. I get it, PS4 is selling more because of the price, I'm not arguing that one. And so what if Sony has a special edition console coming out? It's no advantage over the One at all, it's just for aesthetics. And the resolution? Yeah, it's higher then the One, but like EA did with BF4, they're more than likely going to increase the texture quality with the extra GPU usage they didn't spend on 1080p. There are trade offs with each console. Personally, I got my One for the features that come with it, the fact that most of my friends are sticking with Xbox, to keep using my LIVE account I've spent 4 years growing and sunk a couple thousand in, and for the exclusives like early DLC and Xbox only games. So, how about we leave this be and be done with it?

There should really be a up vote button in this section.

This is deserving of one.


Oh well enjoy your frame drops and performance issues. The One is capped for a reason, as proven by recent titles released on the PS4. OT, MGS looks amazing, as long as actual gameplay lives up to the trailers.


Sanctorum PS4 games are running at better resolution than XB1 games AND their is already a special edition PS4 console being released. Sorry Microsoft fan boys, but Sony are in the lead. Anyway, I've never been a fan of MGS but this special edition console sounds good to me!

Why is there always some **** who has to bring the console war in the mix? So what if they're in the lead? When the 360 was selling more consoles than the PS3, did you see any 360 fanboys boast about it? No, you didn't. I get it, PS4 is selling more because of the price, I'm not arguing that one. And so what if Sony has a special edition console coming out? It's no advantage over the One at all, it's just for aesthetics. And the resolution? Yeah, it's higher then the One, but like EA did with BF4, they're more than likely going to increase the texture quality with the extra GPU usage they didn't spend on 1080p. There are trade offs with each console. Personally, I got my One for the features that come with it, the fact that most of my friends are sticking with Xbox, to keep using my LIVE account I've spent 4 years growing and sunk a couple thousand in, and for the exclusives like early DLC and Xbox only games. So, how about we leave this be and be done with it?


Sanctorum PS4 games are running at better resolution than XB1 games AND their is already a special edition PS4 console being released. Sorry Microsoft fan boys, but Sony are in the lead. Anyway, I've never been a fan of MGS but this special edition console sounds good to me!

I knew some one was going to bring that up. Who cares if Sony is "in the lead"? The game practically going to look the same on both. Do you think people care if Sony is in the lead if so why is all the Xbox fanboys are buying an Xbox? Because they like Xbox not that they are in the lead or not.


Never played the series but wanna try this game out lol... Time to go watch some playthroughs.


Definitely going to be picking this up upon release, it's going to be awesome.


I remember I loved to play this game on the PS1.


Never have tried any MGS before but since this one is on a new console might pick it up.


Sanctorum PS4 games are running at better resolution than XB1 games AND their is already a special edition PS4 console being released. Sorry Microsoft fan boys, but Sony are in the lead. Anyway, I've never been a fan of MGS but this special edition console sounds good to me!

Better resolution but with experience frame lag and drop because off it, Xbox One will have a smoother game play.

But I can't wait for MGS5 to come out, it looks so good