Xbox One digital Games on Demand deals being tested

From this Tuesday to next Monday, February 18th-24th, the digital version of Ryse will be available for 20 USD less at $39.99 versus retail of $59.99.

So we're testing some, and [from] 2/18 through 2/24 you can get Ryse: Son of Rome off digital marketplace for $39.99. Special deal on add ons starts 2/25.Mike Ybarra

Both Ybarra and MajorNelson have made it clear lately that Microsoft plans to introduce more "competitive pricing" for digital downloads going forward. When asked directly on the subject Nelson responded with "It is indeed on the agenda."

Would you be more prone to purchase games at a slightly reduced price in a digital only form?

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"Xbox One digital Games on Demand deals being tested" :: Login/Create an Account :: 71 comments

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Invictus I hope to see more of these deals in the future.

Hopefully this all works out and like you said maybe we could see more in the future.


I hope to see more of these deals in the future.


Dorkus They really should do more of these marketplace deals, i can see them making a lot more money if they did this more often.

I think it would be cool doing a weekly or daily one, They could do a game each day but take say $20 off the retail price and then see how many people purchase the game from them.


They are just money hunting again ... Even if they have taken the price down they are still making money and profit.


Good deal on Ryse: Son Of Rome


They really should do more of these marketplace deals, i can see them making a lot more money if they did this more often.


they really need the new sales


This is a great idea and will give a nice boost in sales for the game(s) that are included in the deal, present and future. It would be nice if they continued these deals on a regular basis.


i only want the xbox one to play ryse and forza 5


this makes me want the xbox one even more. Nothing like a good deal