Amazing Spider-Man 2 set to swing into action April 29th

The movie tie-in game The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is slated to slide in on April 29th via it's developer Beenox in the U.S. while UK games have to wait til May 2nd to get their spidey senses tingling. Gamers who decided to pre-order the game from either UK retailed GAME or GameStop will receive a code for the title's Web Threads Suit Pack DLC. Inside the pack are Spider-Man's red and gold Iron Spider suit, the Cosmic Spider-Man Suit, the Spider-Man Noir costume, and the Venom Black Suit.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is set to launch on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, Wii U, 3DS, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 on April 4th in the U.S. and May 2nd in the UK.

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"Amazing Spider-Man 2 set to swing into action April 29th" :: Login/Create an Account :: 54 comments

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Axe How many spiderman games have they made now. Im sure theres at least 5 others.

I'm pretty sure it's a different company as who made the previous ones, since it changed to the amazing spiderman series?

Yeh i think you are right. They have made a lot of spiderman games though to be honest ...


If only it was Amazing Spoder-Man


Can't believe spiderman is still going ...


Axe How many spiderman games have they made now. Im sure theres at least 5 others.

I'm pretty sure it's a different company as who made the previous ones, since it changed to the amazing spiderman series?


Jesus Christ, that looks amazing!


How many spiderman games have they made now. Im sure theres at least 5 others.


I might get this game, I am not too much into the videos games as much as the movies, but I might be into this. April 29th is not that far away, so I might be able to get this game if I wanted to.


Huge fan of spiderman , will be getting this game!


Will be geting this game always love the games.


I'm a fan of spiderman, since I grew up on the cartoons, but i'm not a fan of the remake movies, the amazing spiderman. which leads me not buying this game, saving my money for another.