Humble Weekly Sale now features PopCap hits

The week's Humble Weekly sale features the highly respected developer PopCap Games doling out downloadable copies of Peggle, Plants vs. Zombies, and other hits from their studio's past. Those who pony up at least 1 USD for the bundle will be given both Steam and Origin copies of Peggle, Bejeweled 3, Bookword, Escape Rosecliff Island, Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe. The beat the average titles for this bundle Plants vs. Zombies, it's DLC expansion Peggle Nights, and Zuma's Revenge. Electronic Arts, PopCap's parent company, has announced they are donating all bundle proceeds to The V Foundation for Cancer Research and the Melanoma Research Alliance.

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"Humble Weekly Sale now features PopCap hits" :: Login/Create an Account :: 35 comments

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Meds Peggle was a game i played years ago i dont have no car for any other games

Peggle is awesome this is the only reason I bought this game. However, you can get it off a torrent site. I bought this pack just because of the fact to support charity.


Once my paypal situation clears up I will be getting this strictly for Peggle and Plants vs Zombies.


im gonna go pick this game up now


Sweet, I'm going to get this now.


This is cool, I may have to pick this up.


I already have all of them.....


Peggle was a game i played years ago i dont have no car for any other games


Oww yeahh! Peggle and feeding frenzy reminds me of back in school! Time to play them again


Non of these games appeal to me.
I played Feeding Frenzy years ago and I was like what am I doing with my life lol :p
I might get Peggle though.


Just bought the pack for feeding frenzy 2, favorite arcade game ever :) now on PC