Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD 'Epic Tale' trailer now out

Square Enix has released a new Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD trailer, the video was outed a week prior to the NA/EU Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD release on PS3 and Vita. The title was released in December 2013 for Japan, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD also supports cross-save functionality. Both games are bought on a single disc for the PS3 or a Vita version can be downloaded separately.

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"Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD 'Epic Tale' trailer now out" :: Login/Create an Account :: 41 comments

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Thespian These Final Fantasy games are just annoying to me. I see no fun in these to me.

They're not really my type of game either.

They appeal to a very small group of people.


FaIIen I've never played one but apparently this is the best one, so I might try it.

Final Fantasy 7 and 10 are the best


Thespian These Final Fantasy games are just annoying to me. I see no fun in these to me.

They're not really my type of game either.


That looked pretty good, might get it on the PS4 if it comes out on that.


I love the style of the game, but its turning more and more into one of those really cheesy anime TV show.


I've never played one but apparently this is the best one, so I might try it.


I've never played this game. I hope it's good, I might get it.


I have never tried Final Fantasy. Are they good games? I wouldn't mind to try one of them out, if I could find one for a cheap price. But anyways, are they any good? I mean the trailer looks good.


these have always been a really good game


Ermagherd. This game looks so sick. Can't wait to play it!