Xbox One bundles down to $450

Walmart began listing the Xbox One with Titanfall for $450 sometime last week and the official Microsoft online store has followed suit. It has been revealed that both the Titanfall and Forza 5 Xbox One bunldes were lowered to $450 from their original pricing of $500. Other major retailers have also begun lowering their stock through native sales or simply from price matching.

Is this enough for those of you still holding out to finally get on board?

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"Xbox One bundles down to $450" :: Login/Create an Account :: 47 comments

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If only they would take the Kinect off of that bundle to make it cheaper, than maybe would I buy it.


Valor Still not worth $450 in my own opinion.

Luckily, your opinion means absolutely nothing to anyone.

His opinion matters just as much as anyone's here let me school you with the definition of opinion young naive child
Opinion- a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge

Oh thank you so much for "schooling" me. Oh wait, you didn't. I never misused the word, and you actually had to look the word up to put down the definition. You are just another 13 year old. As long as I'm in all AP classes and an adult, I don't care what you have to say.

Clearly you didn't though if you say his opinion doesn't matter. Besides keep patting yourself on the back about your AP classes. High school is a joke and AP classes are barely any better.


There was actually a mistake where amazon had bundles for $399. It has since been corrected though.

Microsoft realizes that they need to make a change to keep up, they are losing in many markets.
They cant afford to drop Kinect either.


Miss Good job on MS for doing this. Wonder if the PS4 will copy them.

The ps4 is still lower they dont need to lower it


When i can get the Xbox One for $350 i will buy it :))


Valor Still not worth $450 in my own opinion.

Luckily, your opinion means absolutely nothing to anyone.

His opinion matters just as much as anyone's here let me school you with the definition of opinion young naive child
Opinion- a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge

Oh thank you so much for "schooling" me. Oh wait, you didn't. I never misused the word, and you actually had to look the word up to put down the definition. You are just another 13 year old. As long as I'm in all AP classes and an adult, I don't care what you have to say.


finally a price drop. Another 50.00 and we have a deal lol


FaIIen Surprised the price is already being dropped. Slap in the face to those who bought it Day One.

Not really. They knew the risk. If they didn't then their stupid.


Valor Still not worth $450 in my own opinion.

Luckily, your opinion means absolutely nothing to anyone.

His opinion means just as much as anyone else's here.


I recommend that everyone looking to get an Xbox one take this offer, I know its only 50$ off but that 50$ could get you a game.