Xbox Live services currently 'limited' on Xbox One, Xbox 360

Xbox Live is currently under scheduled maintenance, Microsoft has just confirmed to us. The firm stated that scheduled maintenance is currently in progress for Xbox Live and also advice subscribers to be patience.

Xbox Live DownThe Xbox Live services that are affected by maintenance are "joining other Xbox Live members in online games" and "posting game performance or viewing the performance of other Xbox Live members."

Few players might also experience issues while playing Grand Theft Auto Online and Call of Duty: Ghosts due to this on-going Xbox Live maintenance.

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"Xbox Live services currently 'limited' on Xbox One, Xbox 360" :: Login/Create an Account :: 56 comments

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VPN I haven't encountered any difficulties yet.

Same, I hope I don't have any live problems either


I haven't encountered any difficulties yet.


Haven't really had any issues besides being disconnected from live once but I believe that was on my end.


I was thinking my internet was having problems yesterday since I wasn't finding any lobbies in CoD Ghosts, but glad to know my internet connection wasn't the cause. I rarely ever have lag, but the responsiveness server side simply specific for xbox is questionable.


I've been playing World of Tanks without a problem, glad that game isn't affected. Hopefully Halo Wars won't be either.


This sucks for people who are trying to play Ghosts, and GTA Online.


I was wondering why my pins were not showing up.


This sucks but just last summer they had something like this, where you couldn't sign in for about a hour, then you couldn't join parties or games for a while but it didn't last long at all.

I don't think this will be a huge issue.


I have been having problems with the Xbox One home for the past month.


No wonder it's been hard to find games recently, hopefully they fix it