Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Bringing Something Special to E3

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare developer Sledgehammer Games has big plans for E3. With a great deal of time spent developing the story of the game, Sledgehammer wants the E3 conference to be incredibly special. After almost three years of development, they are eager to show off their hard work on the game to the world. ”Our show plans are shaping to be incredibly special,” cofounder Glen Schofield and Michael Condrey said. “We’ve been busy reading all your comments, watching all your videos, and absolutely glowing with the excitement of sharing more with the greatest community on earth.”

It shouldn’t come as a major surprise that thought has been put into the story for that long, after all Activision has talked about wanting Call of Duty to deliver a moment on oar with Game of Thrones’ Red Wedding Scene. Schofield and Condrey haven’t offered up anything in the way of specifics concerning what we’ll see of Advanced Warfare at E3 or at what conference we’ll get to see it. Unlike other big time third party publishers, Activision doesn’t hold its own press conference, though with its long standing relationship with Microsoft. It’s safe to say that we’ll see the meat of the content at their conference on June 9, 12:30pm Eastern/ 9:30 Pacific.

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"Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Bringing Something Special to E3" :: Login/Create an Account :: 52 comments

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nothing they show will be "special". i feel sorry for the people that buy into this garbage.


Not expecting this to be the game that turns around the once thriving now dying franchise. Could be proven wrong though, so i guess we'll just have to wait till E3 to see their "something special". :P


I want some multiplayer gameplay but it's too soon for that.


I am looking forward to what they are going to reveal at E3 or what they are bringing.

I am not sold on the game yet and anxious to see more game play.


JustARandomUsername Probably won't buy it... Everyone has been a disappointment since bo1

not really bo1 but since bo2


Probably won't buy it... Everyone has been a disappointment since bo1


Italian I still don't want the new Call of Duty anymore like I used to back in BO1 days. BUT this Cod has been in development for THREE, YES I SAID IT, THREE NUMBER 3, years. Not TWO, 2, like the others for the past 3-4 years. So this CoD might have potential.

Not gonna lie, BO1 was a trash game. I have 150 games for xbox 360 ranging fro really good to bad. That games is at or is near the very bottom IMO.


-Tupac Hmm, i wonder what it could be, hopefully something not future based.

Maybe you should watch the trailer.


I really hope that it brings back the CoD series for me.


It is in the future, so it will be like the others it seems.